Uncomfortable Situations

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Dinner was the most uncomfortable situation you'd ever been in your entire life. 

Honestly, the only person you kind of trusted was Jin. But even then, you still knew nothing about him and the rest of them. 

It was honestly hard for you to remember their names too, but there was one thing that you did know. 

You knew that at least two of them didn't want you to be here. The ones that looked at you like you didn't belong. 

You also realized that you knew one of them hadn't even looked you in the eye since you arrived. Which was odd, but the others were normal, so that was nice.

The silence was excruciating, all you could do was silently sip your soup hoping the cosmos would save you from this mess you were in.

 You didn't really know what to think. You were still a bit baffled by your current situation. I mean, you were basically plopped into a random castle full of attractive strangers in the middle of nowhere. So, you were allowed to be a bit shaken. 

You had to continue pinching yourself, you kept thinking you were dreaming. 

But unfortunately, your reality was a nightmare. You gripped your spoon and sighed. 

Why am I here? Of all places, grandmother? Why with seven men?

To be frankly honest, you didn't have much experience with men. You were 19 but you didn't really have the desire to go out seeking attention. You usually stayed with your stepmother and father in your humble home. It was paradise. 

But now? You were away from the people you loved with no explanation as to what was going to happen to you. 

All you could do was comply and hope that these 7 princes wouldn't kill you in your sleep. You gulped just thinking about it.

Finally, someone decided to speak up, he stood up to gain everyone's attention.

"I know the situation we are in isn't the most pleasant," Jin stated with a warm smile. "But we will make the most of it and do what we have been asked, right guys?" Some grunted in agreement and others nodded their heads with a smile. Jin grinned at them and then at you. 

"We promise we'll do our best to assist you in these coming months, princess," he bowed curtly and you sat there awkwardly. You didn't really know how to reply. 

You were glad that at least person cared about your sanity. You smiled at Jin, he blushed and smiled back.

After dinner, you went up to your room and all seemed well.

Except it wasn't.... because your room wasn't empty.

"Hello?" You were met by one of the men who you knew didn't want you to be here. You couldn't remember his name, but his eyes widened like he had been caught. 

You realized he was going through your stuff when you noticed your suitcase open and stuff thrown about your bed. You gasped.

"What are you doing?" You glared at him and he only tilted his head, staring at you. 

Who does this guy think he is? 

"Who are you again? So I can remember the name of the pervert of the castle," you clenched your teeth and he smirked. He walked closer to you and your eyes widened at his close proximity.

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