There's 7 of them?!

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You thought you were pretty normal. 

You had an amazing father who worked hard his whole life to support you. Your stepmother who was in fact not evil (a very hurtful stereotype she would say) who took care of you and your father with love. 

All was well living in your small village outside the castle walls.

That is, until you found out that your parents were keeping something from you.

 It was revealed when multiple soldiers showed up at your house demanding for the crowned princess soon to be queen.

Turns out, it was your beloved stepmother. 

She had ran away from home to marry your father whom she'd come to love on her trips to your village. The queen was furious but knew that she wouldn't be able to force her daughter to do something that she didn't want to do. 

So she waited, until you were of age to obtain the throne. Now, instead of your stepmother, you would be the crowned princess.

Of course being a humble peasant you didn't want to live in luxury away from your father in a place you knew you would never belong. But what could you do? You were forced to leave home with your stepmother to live in the castle.

Or so you thought.

As soon as you arrived, the queen (well she's technically your step-grandmother) took one look at you and sent you off to a kingdom on the other side of the country to learn how to be a proper royal.

Little did you know, this little detour would change your life.

You didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Your stepmother didn't even have a chance to explain anything to you. They practically shoved you out of the castle into a limo without consent and an explanation as to where in the world you were going. 

(Also btw this is like a modern take on royalty so there will be cars and other stuff you'll notice are modern, so pls don't attack me and say that it's not historically accurate because we're talking about BTS being princes so this story is already bonkers). 

Your stepmother frantically ran after you.

"Y/N!" She shouted and you tried to resist the guards that were guiding you but it was no use.

"Stepmother! Where are they taking me?!" You were pulled into the limo and your stepmother was held back by some guards with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," you heard her whisper. "I'm so sorry."

As dramatic and overwhelming the scene you caused was, the limo driver was completely calm.

"There is no need to fear Princess Y/N, you're completely safe." You turned to look at the front mirror to stare into the drivers eyes.

"Princess? Why did you call me that?" He chuckled.

"Because that is who you are now, silly," he grinned. "Now don't worry, I will explain everything. So sit back and relax because it's going to be a long drive." He smiled from the mirror and you pursed your lips. 

You didn't want to believe him, but what choice did you have? You were pretty good at reading people, and for some reason he seemed to be telling the truth. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself.

Everything's going to be fine, you thought.

You stared out of the window at the countryside wondering what was going to happen to you now. I hope.

"I know you may be wondering where we're going." You perked up at the drivers voice, you nodded your head.

"We're heading to a family friends castle," he smiled. "There, you will be taught how to be a royal. Don't worry, you're going to do great! Just listen to your teachers and behave, then all will be well and you'll be back at the castle in no time!" You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. 

You sighed, maybe everything will work out.

After about 2 hours of driving and some counsel from your driver. You turned into a large piece of land. You couldn't help but widen your eyes at how ginormous the castle was, like what the heck?! 

How many people live in there?! you thought.

"7 princes will teach you how to be a proper princess." Your eyes widened again.

"There's 7 of them?! What?! I didn't think I could even handle one!" He laughed at this and you gulped.

"You'll be fine. You're going to have a great time!" He turned and parked right in front of the castle and rushed out of the car to open your door.

"I'm wearing jeans!" You whisper shouted and he laughed again.

"Don't worry, you look ravishing!" He motioned you to follow him and you hesitantly followed.

"Welcome to our kingdom! We hope you enjoy your stay and now we will meet the princes behind this door." You took a deep breath. 

I can do this.

To be continued.....

The 7 Princes & MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant