Chapter 3

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"Ryker please, you hurting me". Everly said as Ryker continued to grip her neck.

"You know you hurt me when you don't follow simple directions. And you know how I get when you don't follow my directions". Everly fought to gasp for air but Ryker wasn't letting up. He gripped tighter and tighter. Then she took her thumbs and shoved them in his eyes. He let go of her neck and she collapsed on the floor. She managed to get up and walk to the stairs but suddenly, Ryker grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her down the stairs.

"African American woman, early thirties. fell down the stairs. Fractured wrist".

"What. What happened to me? Where am I? What's going on"?

"Hi, please. I need you to stay calm. You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened"?

The confused Everly shook her head no.

"Babe, you tripped down the stairs doing laundry. You don't remember"? Ryker cut in.

"I-I don't remember".

"It's ok. Just get some rest. I will check back in, in a few". The evil Ryker stood at the foot of the bed with his dark eyes staring down at Everly while she laid there. His face showed no emotion to what happened.

"Should of just listened and you wouldn't be here right now". He spoke. "Just couldn't follow one simple rule". As Ryker got closer to her, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Then suddenly he charged her.

Everly hoped up in cold sweat and ran to the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

"I need to get some air". After she got her self together she decided to go into town. Her heart smiled as she walked and took in the peaceful scenery and friendly atmosphere this was something g she could get used to. As she continued to walk she stumbled upon an old antique shop.

"May I help you find something in particular"? A small petite elderly woman appeared from behind the counter. She had her salt and pepper hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had on a floral dress topped with a pink cardigan.

"Oh, hello. I just moved here about a week ago and I was just looking for a couple of things to make it feel like home ".

"Well first off, hello and welcome to our lovely town. I was wondering when I was going to officially see your pretty face. My name is Madeline Grace, but you can just call me Grace. I live across the street from you".

"Nice to meet you Grace, I'm Aurora James".

"Pretty name for a pretty young woman".

"Thank you".

"So what can I help you with. Anything in particular"?

"I was looking for something to put in my mantel and some nice lamps".

"Right this way. I think I have something of your taste".

Grace showed Everly a few things and quickly grew concerned with her body language. "You running chile"? Grace softly placed her hand on Everly's arm.

"Wait, how did you know"?

"I know that look. That fear in your eyes, the tense body language. Plus you looked at that front door about a hundred times since you been here". Everly held her head down. "No, no. Don't ever hold your head down. That's one thing us strong women don't do. No matter how heavy the burden is. We walk tall, you hear me"?

Everly shook her head . "Yes".

"Good. Don't mean to be in your business. No worries your secrets safe with me." Grace winked. "Now let's do some shopping shall we". Grace walked Everly around the store showing her all the beautiful antiques until Everly picked out a few items that caught her eye.

"I really appreciate your help Grace".

"I'm glad I can help. Hey, I have some old furniture in my shed that's collecting dust, maybe you can come by one day and see what you like. I don't know what you have or don't have".

"Ok, that would be great. I don't have any furniture actually. Been sleeping on the floor". 

"Oh dear, we can't have that. I'm home everyday at noon. You can come by whenever you like. My house is the house with all the flowers in front". 

Everly went on and walked the rest of the town continuing to take on the sights. She came across a small diner and decided to go in for a bite. The diner was just any other diner, small with the counter in the middle and a couple booths. Everly took a seat in the back of the diner. She looked on as everyone smiled and greeted everyone. 

"Hello welcome to Ray's. My name is Ricky, I'll be your waiter. What can I get you"?

"Um a burger and fries, with a coke please".

"No problem doll. Be right up". Ricky popped her gum as she put her ink pen in her bun. Everly sat there feeling a bit out of place, awkward even. 

"Here you go doll. One cheese burger and fries with a coke". Enjoy 

"Thank you". After Everly finish some of her food, she held her head up to motion Ricky back over.

"You need anything else doll"?

"Yes, just the check please".

Ricky reached in her apron pocket and placed the check in front of her. 

"Excuse me Ricky"?

"Yes, doll"?

"By any chance you guys are hiring"?

Ricky smiled. "Yes we are. How about you write down your name and number and I will give you a call, say around four".

"Ok. Thank you. I really appreciate this". Everly handed over a piece of paper with her info on it. 

"Aurora. Cute name".

That night, Everly took out her trinkets and gave them a home on the mantel. She took a step back and smiled. 

"Hello". Everly voice rattled.

"Hey doll, this is Ricky from over at the diner. Listen, Rae wants you to come in, in the morning. He wants to see the face to the pretty name. Can you be here say around nine"?

"Um, yeah I can be there at nine".

"Great, see you then doll". 

Everly took a deep breath and began to do her regular routine that she does now. She check the house from top to bottom. She made sure all the windows and doors were locked and the blinds and curtains were closed. She turned the lights off and laid on the floor right in front of the front door with her knife.

"I'm safe". She said. 

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