Chapter 2

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"Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it".

"No problem. Now that you have the keys. You can officially enjoy your house".

Everly smiled and held the keys tight in her hands. "Again, thank you". Her voice cracked.

As the realtor saw herself out, Everly dropped to her knees and cried out. She held her hands on her chest clutching her shirt tightly letting the tears flow. This was the moment she dreamt about. She finally got the new start she's been fighting for. But the thought still lingers of Ryker finding her. The big what 'IF' pops up in her mind every now and then which sometimes hinders her from wanting to continue on with her life.

"I'm safe". She cried. "Oh my God, I'm safe". Everly said as she spoke on the phone

"I'm glad. Now you can breathe". Her best friend Olive said with joy in her voice.

"I never thought this day would come, you know. If I would have stayed I could of been dead".

"Thank God for that. You are one of the lucky ones. Let's not focus on that. Let's focus on moving forward with the second chance that is given to you. And by the way, have you thought about about what your going to do about work"?

"In fact, I do actually. I am going to teach again. Update my teacher licenses with my new identity and go from there. Until then I got a job at the coffee shop in town".

"Well look at you pulling the bull by its horns and what name have you picked"?


"I knew it and I love it perfect fitting. When darkness fades away, the world is is bathed in the soft light of a new day".

Everly smiled. "Absolutely. Just so you know, after this phone call I will be destroying this phone and will be getting a new one. So no more Everly ok"?

"Ok. Just pencil me in when you get settled. I got to go before the kids tear my house down. I love you".

"I love you too and kiss the kids for me". After Everly hung up the phone, she suddenly jumped out of fear of someone knocking on the door. The thought of Ryker finally caught up to her.

She slowly walked to the front door and looked out the door curtain. "Hi, can I help you"? She said as a man stood on the front porch.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Nash, the pervious owner of the house".

"Oh wow, hello". Everly opened the door. "Hi, I'm Aurora, come on in".

"I'm sorry to intruded I know you're trying to get settled but the realtor said she mentioned that I was coming by to pick up some boxes I left behind upstairs".

"Yes, she did. By all means go ahead, don't mind me". Nash walked up the stairs to retrieve the boxes and came back downstairs.

"I always loved this fire place". Nash said standing beside her.

"It's beautiful". Everly said softly running her fingers across the mantel.

"I use to fire her up and sit in my chair and snuggle up with a cup of tea and a good book".

"You know what, that sounds like a good idea once I make this place feel like home".

"If you need any services, you know need the grass mowed or need anything fixed please give me a call". He handed her his business card.

"One Man and a Toolbox". She read out loud.

"Yup that's me. I fix anything and everything so don't hesitate to give me a call".

"I will do that, thanks".

"No problem". Nash gathered his boxes and walked to the front door.

"Hey do you know any good places where I can get some good take out"?

"Oh yeah, there's some menus in the island draw. All the good stuff here in town that I recommend". He smiled. and proceeded to load up his truck. He nodded and drove away.

Later that night, Everly began to go through the menus and scanned through them. "Hmm, let me see, Mexican, Italian, Thai, Chinese. Looks like Chinese for the win". While she waited for the food to be delivered, she turned on some music and began to unpack the little things she had. She went into the basement and came across some paint and decided to touch up the living room and kitchen.

She stood and admired the little work she done with her arms crossed against her chest, then the doorbell ranged.

"Delivery for Aurora".

Everly opened the door. "Thank you and keep the change". After she ate and balled up on the floor, she held a knife tightly in her hand. "He's not coming. He's not coming". She whispered to herself.

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