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Name: Coleton Ebony Baird
District: 12
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: Coleton has short, dark brown hair with deep blueish gray eyes. He is tall and slightly underfed due to his unfortunate circumstances; though he is significantly strong thanks to helping his father with work from time to time.

I hate district 12 with a passion. Don't get me wrong, the people here are just fine. But everything else about my district is purely insufferable. Good people die for no reason. More often than not our reapings are rigged (or at least, that's what I believe.) Not to mention that food and good hygiene seems to be non-existent here. I live in the Seam, so I should be used to all of this. But recently, I've become more and more agitated at the Capitol and what they make us suffer through.

My mother died due to sickness. The healers say it was pneumonia, but I'm not sure. My sister was killed as well. The peacekeepers shot her after they caught her trying to steal baked goods for my mother. It was only three years ago when this happened. My sister was only twelve. She didn't deserve to die in such a way. My sister died because she was trying to help our mother. She only had good intentions. My father tells me not to dwell on their deaths, and I try not to. But it's so hard. It's traumatizing, seeing my mother die from sickness, and then not even two days later seeing my sister being killed by the firing squad. So, I live with my father, dreading the day I'll have to go off to the mines, just like him. Unless, of course, the Hunger Games kills me first. Which I highly doubt.

As for school, honestly I'm not very good at it. My grades are low, though I don't really care. Good grades don't do anything but get you praise. I don't have many friends, only a few people I'll talk to once in a while. I have- or, had a crush on this girl, Charlie Pinesmith, I think her name is. Though she's not in my grade. I doubt she even knows I exist.

In my spare time I like to sneak out the fence line and play my guitar in the fields. Some people tell me that I should do something better with my free time, such as hunting, or trading goods, but that's not really my style. I'd rather soak up the sun and enjoy the only beauty in district twelve; nature. I have lots of tunes memorized on my guitar, thanks to my mother. She would tell me that each and every song has a meaning and a story behind it, but she never actually told me what those meanings were. The only melody that I think I know the backstory to is "The Ballad of Lucy Gray". I believe it's a story about my thought to be dead relative, Lucy Gray Baird, but I can't be too certain.

I just hope that I'll make it here in twelve, and that I won't suffer the same fate my mother and sister did.

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