Chapter 19: Ambushed

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Victory seemed within his grasp as he poised to strike, but before he could deliver the decisive blow, a sudden force slammed into him, sending him crashing to the earth with bone-jarring impact.

Kion had cuts all over his body, his once golden fur was now coloured red with his blood.
Kion mustered all of his strength, summoning the Roar of the elders. With a spark of strength and determination surging through him, Kion let out a powerful roar, the sound reverberating through the chaos of the battleground like a thunderclap. It echoed with defiance and resolve, a rallying cry that pierced through the tumult of battle, igniting a renewed sense of courage in his allies and striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

With masterful precision, Kion exerted complete control over his mighty roar, unleashing its power with a finesse born of years of training and unwavering determination.

The force of his roar propelled the attackers into the air, their bodies soaring like leaves caught in a tempest, before they were flung far beyond the protective reach of the Tree of Life.

Yet, despite Kion's formidable display of strength, there remained a nagging sense of restraint in the aftermath. His roar, potent as it was, seemed to hold back some of its full potential. Perhaps it was because Kion was doubting himself like never before.

Kion panted heavily, a slight grin on his lips as he felt relief wash over him, knowing his family and the PrideLanders were out of harm's way. But when he attempted to shift, he found himself unable to budge; his wounds held him captive, forcing him to collapse onto the earth.

With each heartbeat, he felt his consciousness slipping away, overwhelmed by the loss of blood. Soon, darkness enveloped him as he drifted into unconsciousness.

Sahasi, Rani, and Ananda regrouped with their Night Pride, their solemn expressions mirroring the gravity of the situation, as they approached Simba, Nala, and the Guard.

Unbeknownst to them, Kion lay motionless nearby, his unconscious form unnoticed amidst the turmoil.

"Simba, what happened?" Sahasi inquired, his voice filled with concern as he addressed the Lion King, whose eyes betrayed a mixture of sorrow and exhaustion.

With a heavy heart, Simba recounted the events that had unfolded, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke of Uovo's treacherous takeover of the PrideLands. Tears welled in his eyes, a testament to the profound loss he felt.

Nala, her own grief evident, pressed closer to her mate, offering what solace she could in the face of such devastation. "We were hoping... if it's not too much to ask... if we could seek refuge at the Tree of Life," she ventured, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ananda's compassionate gaze met Nala's, her paw extending in a gesture of support. "You are always welcome here," she reassured them, her voice a soothing balm amidst the turmoil. "For as long as you need, the Tree of Life will provide sanctuary and solace."

As the group convened, Rani's keen eyes scanned their surroundings, her brow furrowing in concern as she realized Kion was conspicuously absent. "Where's Kion?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry, her gaze darting around in search of Kion.

Before anyone could respond, a chilling scream pierced the air, shattering the uneasy silence. The source of the cry was none other than Kiara, whose distress echoed through the gathering like a thunderclap.

"KION!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kiara screamed out of pure love and horror.

With urgency propelling their every step, Simba, Nala, Rani, Sahasi, Ananda, and the Lion Guard raced towards the source of Kiara's heart-wrenching scream. Each stride carried with it a sense of dread and anticipation, their minds racing with the myriad possibilities of what they might find awaiting them.

Kion X Rani: Tough LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz