#2 - You again?

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⚠️TW: Mature content and strong language ⚠️

⚠️TW: Mature content and strong language ⚠️

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Things were going just swimmingly this morning.

I was making it to get all of my shopping done in record time before returning to the hospital. I had to fill in for someone who couldn't make it.

That's the problem with being a general doctor... They catch me to fill in for other doctors, just because I can!

Argh ...

I'm a woman. I have nails to paint and hair to take care of!

I haven't had a proper shower in two days and my scrubs have blood splatters on the front.

The cashier at the checkout point eyed me warily as I smiled brightly, happy to have finally gotten a chance to get some much needed sunlight and therapeutic shopping done. She raised an eyebrow at the number of pads and other intimate products I purchased.

Bitch... How dare she judge me.

I barely get a chance to get out the house on my days off and online shopping doesn't work out for me because there's no one home to collect at the door, and the hospital will never allow me to have a delivery made.

Can you imagine me leaving a patient with their chest cavity like wide opened to collect a shopping delivery?

Yeah ... It's ludicrous right? Try explaining that to this bitch with her judgey eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at her, paid in cash - which got me some respect from her as the total was quite a large amount and I wasn't using a credit card.

Yeah bitch... I'm a freaking doctor. I thought.




I muttered my thanks to the team that packed away all my purchases and helped me to my car. I tipped the guy that helped me carry my bags to the booth of my car and huffed in annoyance at the damn door not closing properly the first time.

I hopped into the driver's seat and drove out of the parking lot.


Some idiot decided to turn into the parking from the main road at the same time I was driving out of the parking lot onto the main road. It was a minor fender-bender accident. But it cost me a whole thirty minutes to sort out the minor legalities with the idiot.

"Seriously dude? I'm in a hurry too, but you could use your eyes!" I rolled my eyes at him as he walked up to my driver's side window.

"Maybe I was staring at how gorgeous you are..." He muttered to me. "Could you give me a ride to the station?"

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