Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

December 5th




Another morning, another shitty day at Bayview high school. The halls stink like fart spray, the work of the school "pranksters" who think they're so funny, I promise you they're not. Girls half dressed in the winter, popular kids walking slowly and gossiping, kissing, making out in the middle of the hall. Typical. The "jocks" who stand by the team captain or whoever locker while they push each other around and throw footballs around. That one "lost cause" kid is trying to bully the nerd kid into giving him his lunch money. Good luck with that, no parent is sending their kid with cash when you can transfer the money straight into your child's account from the comfort of your home, and the peace of mind you kids wot accidentally "lose" the money. Same old dirty, sticky, smelly halls. Same old lockers, same old teachers Everything in Bayview is the same as it always is. Same kids in the same spot and the same hall with their same friends.. Yet something in the air feels eerily different. The walk to homeroom is the same as always, i get to choose my seat first and set up without anyone watching me do it. I can have a nice small talk with my teacher or I can work on the last few problems on the homework I did not finish last night. Everything is the same yet something feels different, I seem to be the only ones who notice, Everyone else is living their life peacefully talking, listening to music, waking themselves up.. But I just can't seem to push away the feeling that something is not right, something is wrong,

December 5th




Ugh where is Penny? I swear that girl is always late. I mean she literally has a car. I wouldn't mind if she was late but she insisted on being my partner for this stupid project and since she's not here I'm stuck doing all the work. We go through the same routine every day, day in and day out.. I'm so tired of this.. In response to this thought I let out a long, exaggerated, drawn out sigh and continued working glaring at the door waiting for my best friend to come in. Not 20 seconds later no one other than Penny Katzs comes bursting in the door, she looks beautiful. She has on a cute pink skirt and a white croc top, with her grandmother's ashes in a beautiful necklace locket, a cross necklace and butterfly necklace. She had a bunch of bracelets on either wrist and cute little 3 inch hoop earrings she plots down next to me.

"26 minutes late ladies and gentlemen.. I wonder what your excuse is this time.. Maybe you woke up late? Your car was out of gas or my personal favorite, you "needed" some Starbucks." I tease my best friend as she unpacks, sure enough she does have a Grande strawberry creme Frappuccino in her hand

"Oh har har.. You never fail to give me a hard time do you?

"Never." I roll my eyes and smirk at her "You know that it's 8 in the morning tight? That shits a full on milkshake. I mean it's not even coffee there's literally no actual coffee in it"

"It wakes me up in the morning, I meannnn it's actually really good. You wanna try some?"

"Um.. No.. Thanks though"

"Whatever.. Hey what's with your outfit? I'm not trying to sound like a bitch or anything but you literally look like you rolled out of bed"

I rolled my eyes and sighed "I just wasn't feeling it today I was just tired, I just felt bad, like exhausted. I didn't have the energy to get ready like I normally do."

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