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'Wow, baby, you actually want to go to this party, right?'

Taylor laughs at Travis' slack-jawed look as he observes her in the bedroom mirror, currently putting her diamond earrings in to complement her necklace and engagement ring. 'Last night of freedom? Of course I do'.

'You better be kidding right now', Travis mutters darkly under his breath, snaking his hands around her waist and kissing her neck, causing Taylor to take a shuddering deep breath, her hands covering his. 'Of course baby. Only you, always'.

She turns in his arms, straightening out his shirt collar and flattening the lapels of his suit jacket, ruffling a hand through his longer hair. 'You look very handsome too, Mr Kelce'.

'Thanks, Mrs Kelce-to-be', he chuckles, kissing her one more time before slotting his fingers through hers, and bringing them both to the car awaiting their departure.

It was the day of their joint bachelor and bachelorette party, thrown at the same location they had their NYE party in January, hosted by Patrick and Brittany. Taylor hadn't even wanted one to begin with, insisting she had no interest, but Britt had twisted her arm, calling in Abigail and Kylie to back her up. Travis agreeing to a joint party was what really won her over, knowing they could have fun together with their friends - and go home together at the end of the night. Matilda was safely tucked up in bed in Travis' old house with Hannah, Taylor and Travis having bid her goodbye earlier that afternoon.

She's wearing a white silk slip dress, the cowl neckline and spaghetti straps showing off her neckline, the dress skimming her thighs and stopping just above her knee, a pair of white strappy stilettos completing the look. Her hair is down and curly, her make up simple, not even bothering with a red lip, knowing it would most likely get smudged anyway. Travis compliments her nicely in a black suit and white dress shirt, crisp white sneakers on his feet, and she knows that they look good together. Stopping him before he drags her out the door, she pulls him toward the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hallway, fishing her phone out of his pocket and making him pose for a mirror picture with her, his hand wandering down to her backside in one, kissing her cheek in another.

'Okay let's go', she declares when his lips linger a little too long on her neck, bringing him once again towards the door. He's pulled up the convertible for them, knowing he can't really drink - it is still a working week, after all - and helps her into the passenger seat, before driving them off into the night. She grins the whole time there, like a lunatic she's sure, her hand tightly wrapped in his in its spot on her thigh.

When they arrive, they're cheered to the rafters by their gathered family and friends, and Taylor is immediately swept into a hug from Brittany, then Abigail, then Kylie - her three bridesmaids, and the chief organisers of the party. 'Looking good, Mrs Kelce!', Brittany shouts above the music, making her laugh, before she drags her deeper into the party towards the bar and the free-flowing alcohol.

She loses Travis in the crowd for a while, and when he finds her again, she's more than a little tipsy, either a vodka cranberry or a cosmopolitan having taken up a permanent residence in her hand. 'Travy!', she calls as she sees him walking towards her and he laughs, catching her mid-stumble, pulling her close.

'Have you had anything to eat, baby?', he whispers in her ear, the head shake he receives confirming his suspicions.

'Come on then, let's get something to soak up that alcohol', he pulls her towards the food area, ignoring her little pout, and fixes her a plate of food that was on offer. He gets one for himself, too, and they grab a free booth so he can make sure she eats it all, which she eventually does. Sitting that close, looking the way that she did, Travis finds himself unable to keep his hands off her, and she eventually ends up in straddling his lap, the dark lighting - and Taylor's alcohol level - making them bolder than usual.

He jumps when he hears his brother, though, letting out a cough from in front of their booth, and he can hear Taylor giggle as she hides her head in his neck. 'As sorry as I am to get in the middle of you two, brother, your presence is required. I was sent by Brittany so please don't fight it'.

Travis nods, knowing Brittany would come looking for them herself if they didn't move, so he gently places Taylor on the seat beside him before getting up and then offering her his hand. On slightly shaky legs, she stands beside him, straightening her dress and running her hands through her hair, in an effort to make it not look like she's just spent the last 20 minutes making out with Travis, like a couple of horny teenagers.

They make their way over to Brittany and she makes them take a seat in the middle of the dance floor, two chairs back to back facing away from each other already placed there. Taylor notices suddenly that everyone is gathered around, watching them, and she silently shoots Brittany a look to ask what on earth she has planned.

'Okay, we're going to play a little game with the lovebirds. This is Mr & Mrs, so I ask a question about your relationship and then you answer either Mr, for Travis, and Mrs, for Taylor. If you just take your shoes off, you can each have one to indicate the answer. So hold up Travis' shoe, then it's him that's the answer. Everyone get it?'

They both nod in understanding, dutifully taking off their shoes, Taylor laughing at the size difference in her stilettos and Travis' sneakers in her hands. 'Okay, first off. Who made the first move?'

Travis quickly lifts his own shoe into the air, followed by Taylor doing the same. 'Okay, that was an easy one, everyone knows that one. I'll give you that as a practice. Time for some more controversial opinions. Who is the most romantic?'

This time, they each lift each others' shoes into the air, a loud error buzzing noise playing out over the sound system, making them and the crowd laugh. The game continues in the same vein, eventually opening to the crowd for questions, and by the end Taylor is hitting Travis on the head with his own shoe, offended that he thinks she's the messy one.

'Well it is messy when I have to pick up 15 half drunk cups of coffee from every surface in the house at the end of the day!', he cries in defence, holding his arms out, and she relents, laughing, as she falls back into his arms.

'Okay, I'll give you that one baby', she whispers, kissing him, and the crowd lets out a 'ahh' at the scene, the pair of them forgetting anyone else was there at all.

Soon after, the music restarts, and Travis takes her by the hand back out on to the dance floor. Teenage Dirtbag comes over the speakers and he sees Ross smirking at them, and when Travis starts to sing, Taylor joins in, a true full circle moment from this time a year ago.

They party late into the night, enjoying the company of their friends who had travelled from all over the US to celebrate with them, and Travis is practically holding Taylor up by the time they make it back out to the car. 'Thank you baby', she slurs as he helps her into the passenger side, and he simply kisses her cheek before hopping in behind the wheel, driving them back home.

Taylor makes it upstairs and into their bedroom before Travis observes her turn a sickly shade of green, and he lifts her towards their bathroom. She whimpers as she throws up, Travis holding her hair back, and when she's done slumps against him, sighing.

'Feel better now baby?'

'No. I feel like shit'.

Her blunt reply makes him laugh and he helps her to her feet, prompting her to brush her teeth before helping her out of her dress and into one of his old t shirts she wears as pyjamas. He changes himself, slotting into bed behind her, enclosing her in his arms.

'Thank you, Trav. For looking after me even when I'm a drunken mess'.

'That's what bachelorette parties are for, baby. Plus we're in it now, right? For better or worse, in sickness and in health'.

She laughs, peeking up at him through her eyelashes. 'You better believe it'.

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