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'Lambeau is such an electric stadium, baby, you're going to love it', Travis excitedly tells her, watching on FaceTime as Taylor shows him the red coat she's borrowed from Brittany for the game tomorrow night.

Taylor and Matilda have been back in KC for a few days, returning on Tuesday after the end of her shows in São Paulo. It had been an emotional stint in Brazil, given everything that had happened, which made for an emotional reunion with Travis when they'd arrived, practically running into his arms after over 2 weeks apart.

'I can't wait Trav! My first away game not in New York, too'.

They talk for a while longer, discussing logistics for tomorrow, before Taylor has to tend to Matilda and Travis has to hand his phone in. The following day, she and Tilly go for a girls' brunch with Brittany and Lyndsay and their daughters, before they all jet in to Green Bay on Taylor's plane (minus the children).

It's a fun game, starting out in snow, Taylor videoing Travis running around with flakes falling to show Matilda tomorrow. But it ends up being closer than they'd like and they lose narrowly, and Taylor can already sense Travis' disappointment from her seat way up in the suite. Ross mumbles under his breath, 'Trav will be pissed with that one' and Taylor knows it, too, that he will be frustrated with his performance.

The flight back to KC is a short one and she and Brittany enjoy a glass of wine each, Lyndsay nursing a Pepsi instead. 'How are you feeling, Lynds?', Taylor enquires after her friend, asking about her pregnancy.

'Tired, but that's to be expected. It's definitely harder the second time round when you've already got a toddler to run after'.

'Tell me about it!', Brittany says, laughing. 'You think the first pregnancy is hard and then you have to do it all over again, but this time with a baby already. Morning sickness with a one year old was not fun'.

Brittany pauses, expecting Taylor to chime in, but looks across the table at her friend, seeing her lost in thought looking out the window. 'Taylor?', she interrupts her thinking.

'Oh sorry', Taylor smiles, turning around again to face them, wiping a stray tear from her eye. 'I don't mean to bring the mood down, but I was just thinking about my pregnancy with Matilda. It was awful, not going to lie to you, given the circumstances. I had my parents for support, and my friends, but it was so isolating, not having a partner to go through it with. Quite literally the only thing that kept me going was the baby. But alls well that ends well, right?', she sniffles.

'Oh Tay', Brittany says, shifting to sit beside Taylor and take her into her arms. 'Sorry, we didn't even think. I can't imagine going through pregnancy for nine months and not having Patrick there to hold my hair and for me to bitch to. That must have been really hard'.

'Thanks, Britt. And don't feel bad please, I didn't mean to make this about me. It's just, I don't think I had really thought about it until now', Taylor replies, pulling back from Brittany's hug to give her a shaky smile.

'Good news is, Trav worships the ground you walk on, so I think you're okay for the next one', Brittany says, laughing, before she sees Lyndsay's eyes widen and her hands fly to cover her mouth.

'Oh my god, me and my big mouth. I didn't mean -'

Laughing, Taylor stops her. 'I knew what you meant, Britt. And yes, it's not been very long, but we've talked about it. Obviously not anytime soon, but I don't envisage this being a short term thing. Plus, I think Travis will spoil Matilda rotten if she doesn't have a sibling sometime down the road'.

'I think that ship has sailed, Taylor. Have you seen the way his eyes light up when he talks about her? It's so cute. Blake showed me a picture he sent him a picture of the two of them the other day, when you went to London and he was in charge. His face was beaming', Lyndsay says, turning her phone to let Taylor see the message.

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