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'I'm so sorry, Travis'.

Taylor's opening line when he connects their FaceTime call fills him with dread, her eyes sad, a hand running over her face.

He starts to think of what might have gone wrong - had he said something that pushed her away? Did she have second thoughts about him? Did she regret letting him meet Matilda, and letting him stay over when he was in LA? Letting him stay in her bed for the first time?

His mind racing, he tries to maintain a straight face, and Taylor can tell when she looks at him properly the impact her words have had.

'Nothing bad has happened, I promise. We're good', she reassures him, seeing his exhale of breath as her words take hold.

'It's just, I know I'm meant to be coming to visit you, but Tilly is sick, and I can't leave her this weekend. She's got the flu, and I can't get any liquids into her unless I feed her myself, and -'

She's cut off by Travis, saying, 'Tay, baby, she's the priority. Please don't worry about me. Just concentrate on looking after her'.

She smiles at him, then, his concern for Matilda touching, his respect for her position in her life overwhelming. How did he understand so quickly what it meant to have a baby, when Matilda's own father never did?

'Thanks, Trav. I was really looking forward to seeing you, too. Especially after the other week'.

He winks at her, causing her to giggle, and they chat a little longer before bidding each other goodnight, Taylor preparing for a long night ahead with her sick baby.

Just before sleep overtakes him, a thought pops into Travis' head, and he debates with himself over whether to text her about it, deciding that ultimately he wants to make the offer, and maybe demonstrate how serious he is about her - and Matilda.

Tell me if I'm overstepping, but if you did still want to get out of NYC this weekend, you could bring Matilda here, too, if you like? Easier to look after a sick baby with a second pair of hands. Ignore me if you think it's too much, and we'll pretend like this never happened. T x

Taylor is in the rocking chair in Matilda's nursery, the baby just off to sleep lying on her chest, when her phone vibrates with his message. She reads it over and over, hardly able to digest it properly.

Her thoughts are conflicted: she really did want to see him this weekend, having been separated for her Mexico shows the last few weeks; it would be one of their last opportunities to meet in private, before the world uncovered their secret; and she simply missed him. His smile, his laughter, the way he wrapped his arm around her waist or placed his hand on the small of her back.

But bringing Matilda would be another step in their relationship: a signal that it was more serious than she had maybe signed up for. Her thoughts swirled around and around throughout the night, during which she's up and down to tend to the baby, and by the time the morning comes, she still hasn't replied.

She's eating breakfast when she realises: he'll think she wants to pretend he never sent it, and the last thing she wants to do is not acknowledge his offer, his kindness in doing so. She looks over at Matilda, currently mushing a banana between her fingers, and smiles. If he wants to spend time with them - offers up his home for them to stay - should she really say no out of fear?

Morning, Trav. We'd like to take you up on that offer, if you'll still have us. See you soon. T (& M) xx

And so that's how she finds herself a few hours later sat on her jet, Matilda in her arms, waiting to get off the plane and drive to Travis' house.

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