Ashlyn Banner x fem!reader

Start from the beginning


"Y/N NO!"

I didn't listen, I just kept running.

-Ashlyn's Pov-

"Y/N NO!" I yelled out, trying to chase after her. Taylor trying to chase her as well.

Ben quickly held us back, making it so we can't chase her.

"Guys! She'll be fine! Let's get the Jeep quickly before they come back! Stick to the plan!" Tyler spoke sternly and firmly, beginning to run to my house.

Reluctantly, Ben let us go and Taylor and I hesitantly followed to my house.

Y/n... You better survive...

-Minutes later-

-Y/n Pov-

I have been running for a bit now. The Phantoms were still chasing me, the vibrations on the ground getting stronger slowly.

They're getting closer...!

I kept running, my legs burning. Suddenly there is a hill, and my leg buckles underneath me, making me trip and roll down the hill.

"Shit shit shit shit!"

I try to stop myself, but the next thing I know I hit my head against something roughly, knocking me out.

-When everyone gets transported back to the real realm-

-Ashlyn's Pov-

I wake up with a startle and look to everyone around me, seeing everyone but Y/n wake up.


Taylor and I both go over to her body, shaking her to try and wake her up.

No no no no no no no!

"Y/n wake up! Please!" Taylor begs, tears in her eyes.

I quickly notice that my eyes are tearing up as well. We had no problems except for searching for the Jeep keys. No Phantoms... No injuries... Nothing...

"Guys stop!" Tyler pulls Taylor away while Aiden pulls me away from Y/n's body.

"No!" I yell out, struggling to get out of Aiden's grasp.

"No! She has to wake up! She NEEDS to wake up!" I plead and beg, struggling more as I stare at Y/n's unconscious body.

More tears come to my eyes as I watch Y/n lay there for longer, and longer. And longer... And longer... Not waking up...

"Ashlyn, Taylor, we'll find her tomorrow night!" Logan speaks up, trying to calm us both down.

Taylor finally stops trying to get out of Tyler's grasp, crying into his body. I also slowly stop struggling, tears running down my face. Aiden let's go of me once I stop struggling completely.


-Midnight the next night-

-Still Ashlyn's Pov-

As soon as we're all transported to the Phantom dimension we all start preparing to search for Y/n.

"We'll find her Ash..."

I nod before we all use the Jeep to search for Y/n. We drive around for a bit before Aiden notices something.

"Guys I think I see her!"

We quickly stop the car and go down this hill to see Y/n lying unconscious. I quickly run to her and see a lot of blood.

Her head was bleeding, probably from some force hitting it. Then I notice claws, most likely from the Phantoms.

Her left cheek was clawed so much, it went from the corner of her mouth going to her jaw, it was so bad that her cheek was completely open an bleeding, her teeth could be seen. (Think of Tucci Toby).

Her chest had claw wounds too, the wounds bleeding still as well. The final wound was her left calf, deep claw wounds were there bleeding heavily.

My eyes tear up as I see her bloodied body, fear and guilt building up in my body.

If I could've stopped her...

-An hour later on the bus-

-Y/n's Pov-

I groan loudly, slowly opening my heavy eyes. Before I could open my eyes more I notice my head is laying on something soft. I also notice that there are bandages covering my wounds I must've gotten after I passed out.

I finally open my eyes completely and look around to see I'm back in the bus. Ben, Aiden, Taylor, Tyler, and Logan look to all be asleep.

Suddenly I feel something run through my hair gently. I look up to see Ashlyn looking down at me sadly.

"How are you feeling...?"

I can tell she had been crying, tear streaks stained her cheeks.

"Pain... But fine..."

I don't know if it was showing, but I knew I was blushing softly. Ashlyn softly sighs before speaking.

"You scared me and Taylor so badly... I thought my world stopped..."

My eyes widened at her words.


Ashlyn seemed to realize her words, her eyes also widening. She seemed to think for a moment before speaking again.

"I'm just gonna be honest... Y/n... I like you... When I saw you unconscious and bloody on the ground I got scared. I thought you died... I thought my world stopped..."

My eyes widened slightly more at the confession, but I quickly smiled at Ashlyn warmly.

"I like you too Ash..."

Have a great day/evening/night!


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