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Pls comment y'all I love it when you guys do that

Also I learned that wattoad is deleting the PM method so if anyone wants to chat with me and kinda get to know me ig you got till may 6th. I also like getting to know my readers haha

Jo was send out of the room a while ago. The lasts time she had witnessed Taylor and Blake fight was a couple years ago for the exact same reason.

She knew that Taylor loved her , but she loved other people more. Often times she would push those thoughts and little voices out of her head but today she was unable to ignore it.

Her knees were pulled up to her chest. This fight was all her fault and all she wanted was to apologize for being so whiny. She is 14, she is practically a grown up, she shouldn't cis gantry run to other people with her problems

She just has to get her life together , or at least pretend to. She knew that Taylor used to struggle alot and she is so happy that Taylor has found Travis. Sure she doesn't like him but at least for now Taylor is happy and that is all that Jo wanted for her sister.

But Jo missed Taylor , in 2020 in quarantine Taylor and her spent so much time together and Jo missed when it was her and Taylor against the world.

Jo was trying to eavesdrop but at this point it was unnecessary as their voices kept on growing louder

"Jo means the world to me , don't you know that? I love her more than anything. She's my sister Blake." Taylor yelled and Jo flinched , it was not often she had heard Taylor this mad and hurt at the same time. It reminded her of when she was eavesdropping to a fight Taylor and Joe had a few years back.

"I know you do , that's why I am telling you. Can't you just accept the fact that you need to spend more time with Jo and let it be. Yea what you did was wrong but you can fix it." Blake yelled , and Jo knew very well how stubborn Taylor could be and she was just scared. What if she was the reason Blake's and Taylor's friendship ended? But that wouldn't happen , they are Blake and Taylor , Jo thought.

"I know very well what I am doing and you have no idea because you don't have any teenagers , so how would you know anything?" Taylor snapped , she was so hurt it pained Jo to hear it and Jo knew Taylor had tears streaming down her face

"No you don't and you think I am insulting you." Blake said , her voice a bit more steady and Taylor was still audibly pissed

"If you're not insulting me then what are you doing here." Taylor snapped and Jo found it was getting harder to eavesdrop as their voices got quieter

"I'm trying to help Jo. And honestly look at it , she doesn't get enough attention , I picked her up from so many party's lately and she is 14 partying with drunk strangers in New York and you don't even know because you are to busy to know where she is." Blake said , Jo couldn't make out a few words in between because they weren't yelling anymore and Jo could hear a few sniffles

A few minutes later Taylor walked into the room where Jo was now laying on the bed , still very much tired but feeling a bit better. The almost all-nighter yesterday wasn't the best idea.

Taylor was quick to climb on the bed beside Jo and pulled the teenage girl into her arms and Jo didn't fuss. It felt nice being with her sister, Taylor always managed to get Jo to feel safe.

"I'm sorry Jo." Taylor whispered before kissing the top of Jo's head. Jo who was still hungover and tired didn't awnser but smiled weakly but she wasn't sure that Taylor saw it

"You wanna sleep?" Taylor asked and Jo nodded and hid her face in the crook of Taylor's neck and Taylor wrapped her arms tightly around Jo before wanting to stand up which earned some protest

"Stay." Jo whines and Taylor rolled her eyes however a smile plastered on her face but she was sure Jo wasn't able to see it and Taylor draped the blanket over Jo and her.

Jo was happy Taylor was here and for once it wasn't Travis , Travis , Travis , Travis , work , Travis , Travis , work, tour , album , Jack , Travis ,album , songs and so on


At home Taylor looked at Jo , her arms crossed however a small smile on her phone
"Don't you think you're getting away with drinking , phone now."

"What. Taylor. No. That's mean. You can't do it. Please." Jo said , too unhappy to even comprehend the concept of forming full sentences

"Phone , for two days , this is the last time something like this will happen. Got it?"
Taylor said strictly and reluctantly Jo turned her phone off and handed it over to Taylor who walked away with it

Jo knew that even if she tried she would most likely not find it, Taylor was good at hiding stuff and Jo knew better than to snoop around.

The couple of times she had tried it she found things she didn't even want to find and the memory's did still haunt her up to this day.

The vending approached and Travis was over , Jo wasn't exactly thrilled but today Taylor made a great offer to include her in the conversation and somehow it felt less forced than it usually did.

For once all was well. Or as well as it could be , Jo knew that sooner or later she would have to face more consequences and that her last would catch up to her and one day she would have to face her parents again.

Taylor knew that as well , but for now Jo felt really comfortable and at home.
In this moment , eating in Taylor's house , with Taylor's boyfriend and the cats , all was well and she felt comfortable and as everyone broke out into laughter , Jo couldn't help but laugh along

Taylor's swifts little sister| someone's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now