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I'm writing a new story rn and I'm loving it so much

Jo was sitting on the bathroom floor curled up against Blake who was rubbing small circles on Jo's back.

Blake had been trying to reach Taylor for a couple hours now and at this point Jo was asleep against her but Blake felt safer staying in the bathroom cause Jo's condition was worrying her and on top of that she would have a bad hangover.

Jo was like Blake's little sister and she was so broken. Blake knew Jo wasn't even able to understand herself how bad everything was. All Jo understood was Taylor doesn't see her often anymore and Blake knows it's all because of Travis.

She is so happy Taylor has him, Taylor deserves this happiness but Jo shouldn't be the one to pay for this. Lately it's been happening more and more that Jo came to her with problems that clearly would have been Taylor's job. Blake felt as off right now she knew Jo slot better than Taylor.

Blake knew this was gonna happen , the Swift family was , well nice , but the secret Taylor's parents carried that she knew about already laid a path for Jo to resent them.

To Blake it seemed absolutely irrational why you would lie that much to keep a clean image up , all at the cost of an innocent little girl.


The next morning came quicker than anyone had anticipated and non of the kids were surprised to see Jo there. Lately it had become a regular occurrence.

Jo had a hangover but it wasn't her worst one , it wasn't the I'll never ever drink again type of hangover and she didn't have to throw up.

Jo was sipping on her coffee while Blake was busy doing the girls hair , James and Inez had to go to school , Jo decided she would just do her homeschooling in the afternoon.

Betty was sitting at the table still in her pyjamas , just like Jo and Ryan was trying to entertain Betty and both Blake and Ryan seemed to be relieved that their baby was still sleeping. According to Blake she was their best sleeper yet.

Jo was not reelle hungry , though she didn't have to throw up the hangover was still pretty heavy on her stomach. She felt nauseous however this time it was solely the alcohols fault.

Blake moved on to do Betty's hair as Ryan ushered the girls out of the kitchen to get them to school and Blake quickly kissed each of their heads , telling them to have a good day at school , before continuing to brush Betty's hair into a blonde ponytail.

Jo was quick to put her used dishes in the dishwasher and Blake looked at her , a hint of sadness in her eyes as she kept on mustering her.

"Sweetie , why don't you get some more rest , Taylor will be here soon and I'll talk to he ever then we all have to have a serious talk." Blake said as she kissed Jo's messy hair and Jo shrugged

Blake brought Jo back to the guest room where she had often stayed in the last couple of weeks and as Jo laid down on the bed Blake sat down beside her and made sure Jo was comfortable

"Taylor doesn't mean to harm you , she loves your more than life itself." Blake said , and Jo shrugged

"But she loves Travis way more." Jo grumbled and Blake knew that this was not gonna be an easy talk with Taylor.

"She does , she loves you so so so much and it's not that I'm trying to defend her , which I'm not , but she is hopelessly in love , it's the first time in so long she is in a healthy and loving and for once not toxic relationship where she is also a priority in the relationship, she is really overwhelmed and doesn't even know how or what to feel right now and she just wants to be with him all the time."

"I don't care , I don't care if she's in love , she never shows up for me anymore and I know it's selfish but I hate to be going through everything alone and being invisible." Jo snapped and Blake loosely pulled her into a hug

"Maybe you should tell her that? She loves you after all , she would understand." Blake suggested tentatively , hoping this wouldn't push the teenagers wrong buttons

"She would try to fix it but make it worse. She's not that good at fixing problems. She's too chaotic for that and all she'll do is write a song and then somehow this will do it's therapeutic magic for her and she'll forget again."
Jo said and to Blake it was clear that the little girl in her arms was speaking from experience.

As Taylor was finally over , Ryan , Blake , Taylor and Jo were seated in the livingroom.
Jo was sitting beside Blake who was reassuringly holding her hand.

"Seriously guys , I didn't pick up the phone , one time. I was busy besides Jo snuck out I never knew she wasn't home." Taylor said , trying to defend herself

"is it still sneaking out when you can comfortably go through the front door? And I actually told you I was going to a party the other day but you forgot." Jo snapped and Taylor opened her mouth but immediately closing it again

"Look Taylor , I understand that you and Travis are busy , you don't see each other that often but it's a really good and healthy relationship and we all get that you wanna spend time with him but it can't be okay that you neglect Jo." Blake said , trying to keep the peace 

"I don't neglect Jo." Taylor said , her arms now crossed infront of her chest looking very hurt

"Taylor you don't do it intentionally but lately it's been the case. It's now almost daily that something is wrong with Jo and she tries asking you for help and you brush her off or aren't even there."
Blake said , clearly a bit frustrated her raker calm demeanour had seemingly vanished

"I am very much there for Jo when she needs me. You can't tell me how to raise my sister." Taylor snapped and Jo knew this was just because Taylor was hurt

"I am not telling you how to raise her , I am telling you that you have to raise her." Blake snapped , equally frustrated with her best friend

"You don't know a thing about raising teenagers Blake." Taylor said coldly but her voice was slightly less strong than it was earlier

"Seems like you don't either."

Taylor's swifts little sister| someone's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now