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I love it sm when y'all comment like crazy , and like guys we have 10k reads. Aghhhhh. This story was republished like a few weeks ago.
Agghhhghh I love y'all so much

The summer of being grounded has finally passed a few months ago and for Jo Highschool started a while back , now it was November of 2023 and Jo was over at her new friends Ellie's. Ellie was in Jo's science class and they quickly became close friends.

Now they were sitting on Ellie's bed watching 365 days and doing their make up to maybe go out later.

Ellie's house had the advantage that she was an only child , and if that wasn't enough her parents were never home. Like never , sleepovers whenever they wanted , going out till whenever they wanted. It was perfect.

And unlike the tvs and all in Taylor's house none of these TVs had anyone parental controls.

"I swear it's so boring , we are now in high school and still virgins it's sad actually , almost pathetic." Ellie grumbled as she ran her fingers through her hair

"Come on we are both 14 it's not that we don't have time." Jo shrugged , sure she had thought about sex before and she did want to have sex however for her she didn't feel like there was a rush. She didn't necessarily need to have sex now. She doesn't even have a boyfriend and the guy she has a crush on doesn't even seem to notice her.

"You can't tell me your not curious." Ellie chuckled as she reapplied her lip gloss , flashing a smile at Jo

"I mean of course I am , but like who would even want to sleep with me." Jo shrugged , readjusting her crop top

"Girl , everyone would , look at you , your so fucking hot." Ellie giggled lot understanding why her friend seemed so insecure.

Pretty much everyone would agree that Jo has a great body , she has curves but not to much and she's rather small. However she is just one of those naturally attractive persons , the kind of person people just find hot. Ellie could not understand how everyone but Jo was able to see that.

"You really think so?" Jo asked unsure and Ellie nodded
"Maybe you should try wearing push up or something but you definitely look amazing."

"You sure? Like I don't know."

"Definitely , I have some you can borrow then if you want." Ellie said and quickly began rummaging through her closet and handed Jo a few bras. All seemed very skimpy and Lacey but not in a bad way.

"Go ahead , try them on."
Ellie said and Jo carefully pulled her crop top over her head

She felt a bit insecure as she unclapsed the simple black bra she was wearing , she could feel Ellie's gaze on her.

As she put on the bra she had to admit it did look amazing on her. She felt more grown up and prettier in it.

"See I told you it would look amazing." Ellie smiled at her , her eyes however definitely wandering. Jo felt a bit exposed however right now she didn't mind that at all.

If so it felt good. She felt validated , and desirable. She knows she is too young for anything serious but in moments like this all she wants to say is screw it and just ignore every single rational thought.

Jo quickly pulled her top back over her head and adjusted her hair in the mirror.
She didn't want to have these thoughts. Not yet.

The two quickly found themselves at a party , Ellie was off to god knows where dancing with a guy Jo could only find semi attractive , she knew that she was already slightly drunk and she knew she shouldn't be here alone.

She didn't know anyone here , however she did know that tequila shots were able to make it feel less lonely and she quickly downed one shot after the other.

She saw a guy approaching her and he looked way older than she was , she didn't like the way he looked at her and as he made her way I've to her she felt his fingers tracing patterns on her top. She now regretted choosing this top. It didn't leave much to imagination.

She knew him. He was 17, he was in her school and as far as she was aware he had a girlfriend. She just couldn't remember his name , no matter how hard she tried. It almost seemed impossible.

She tried pushing him off , wanting him to leave her alone but he seemed even more drunk than she was and luckily she heard a familiar voice.

"Back off , bro can't you see she doesn't want you?" it was Eli, Jo breathed out , the feeling of anxiety slowly ebbing away as the guy left and Eli approached her.

Eli wrapped his arms around Jo and Jo drunkenly giggles
"I think he liked me."

"I'm sure he did. But he sucks , and I thought you liked that boy James from your math
class." Eli said while helping Jo stand up straight and she shrugged
"I still like him , I never wanted anything from that other guy he was so weird."

"No Jo , he wasn't weird , he was assaulting you." Eli said , his drunk best friend now resting her head on his shoulder as he helped her out of the house did he could get some fresh air

Everything Jo said came out slurred and it was hard understanding her over all of the music , and the other noises around.

The next thing Jo knew was she was regrowing up on whoever's house it was , front porch. Eli was holding her hair back and Jo felt hit tears in the corner of her eyes.

She sat down , her knees pulled up to her chest and her face in her arms and she looked up at Eli tired and whispered
"Where's Ellie?"

"She told me to tell you that she left , she's with some girl I don't even know who it was , she said you can go to her place if you want and crash there and that I should get you there so nothing happens to you." Eli rambled down , the concern for his best friend evident in his voice.

"okay fine , can you walk me there?" Jo whines , giggling completely drunk and Eli shook his head

"I don't have a good feeling about this Ellie girl , your going to my place."

"What's wrong with her?" Jo asked innocently , and it would have almost sounded cute if she wasn't slurring it

"She's a bad influence on you." Eli said helping Jo up and supporting her as they carefully walked off of the front porch

"No she's not , besides you almost have the same name." Jo giggled , so drunk that she could find something that simple so fun

Eli kept on walking and helped Jo walk as well. He knew there was no such thing as reasoning with drunk Jo and he did find it kind of fun how she found absolutely everything hilarious when drunk but he knew that this wasn't healthy. At Jo's age she shouldn't be drinking at all but who was he to tell Jo.

Jo doesn't even listen to her own sister, she doesn't listen to anyone , Josephine Swift lives in her own world and makes her own rules and the people who dare to interfere often times regret that later

Taylor's swifts little sister| someone's daughterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat