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Jo is definitely not happy. She is out with her friends. Or so she thought she would be. A friend of hers , Gracie dragged her along and Jo didn't know anyone.

She felt lost and alone and the guys around her were definitely way older than she was. She could smell the alcohol and smoke around her , it was disgusting. She hated it. She felt trapped.

She also didn't know where she was or where she should go , she was supposed to be at a sleepover at Gracie's but now she doesn't know where Gracie is and is alone in a park with a ton of drunk and stoned people.

She couldn't go home to Taylor , cause then Taylor would realize something went really wrong and would probably know what went down and that Jo herself had a couple of drinks.

She wasn't drunk by any means , maybe a bit but definitely not drunk enough to not make rational desicions anymore.

A guy was sitting beside her , he was the only one sober around here. Jo assumes he was probably dragged along to. He seemed a bit to innocent to have gotten here on his owns.

Jo felt really uncomfortable, everything here seemed just wrong , but she can't just leave. Because she doesn't even know where to go.

She found herself sitting on the ground , trying to text Gracie or call her but either Gracie's phone died or she was just ignoring her , even though she didn't do anything wrong.

Jo was debating who to call or text , maybe someone could pick her up. Okay , the people she knew in New York , that had a car , and would pick her up are Blake and Gigi.

Blake would most definitely snitch on her , her and Taylor talk about everything. Like everything, so if Jo tells Taylor something within the next five minutes Blake knows. Blake and Taylor are inseparable.

However Gigi , would probably tell Taylor immediately, probably even still in the car.

Her friends all didn't have cars or were too intoxicated to drive.

She really only could call Taylor, but Taylor is with Travis , and whatever is going on there she is so not gonna call.

Also she would be grounded and she doesn't want to spent the last few days of summer locked in her room without a phone having no contact to the outside world. Just Taylor , three cats and Travis.

She hates it , actually she despises the thought of being grounded. There are so many end of summer party's coming up.

Jo saw a pretty girl talking to some guys. The girl was gorgeous in Jo's opinion , she was simply flawless. She looked like she was a few years older than Jo but maybe she just looked like it. She might as well be her age.

Jo got up and walked over to the girl. She seemed trustworthy enough.

"Hey , uhm do you know where we are?" Jo asked as she managed to catch the girl alone

"Yeah , you don't or what?" She chuckled at Jo and Jo blushed embarrassed but she was hoping the girl couldn't see that

"I was just wondering if we are far from Tribeca." Jo asked , sounding more confident than she actually was

"Oh no , just like 15 minutes I guess, what's your name?" She asked and Jo smiled

"Jo, yours?"

"Sky, by the way whatever this sucks , I swear I just want to leave." The taller girl said and Jo nods

"I really wanna go as well , I hate it here." Jo said

"Why can't you just leave?" The girl asked curious and Jo shrugged

"I am supposed to be at a sleepover but my friend Gracie is not here anymore and I can't go home now because than my sister would know I am in fact not there but wandering around New York at night." Jo rambled down , while brushing her curtain bangs out of her face

"It's two in the morning , like just a bit more than you can go home anyways without it being weird." Sky said with a smile

"Yeah like what six hours?" Jo said while crossing her arms

"Like five and time flies when you're having fun." Gracie smirked and Jo raised an eyebrow

"Didn't you just say you were bored?"

"doesn't mean I can't change that or?" She said with a smirk and Jo did not know what that smirk was supposed to mean

The night somehow passed and Jo saw through a window the first signs of the rising sun. She quickly checked her phone which was now at 5 perfect and it was six in the morning. She must have fallen asleep.

All around her people were asleep , next to her lying Sky who stirred in her sleep and grumbled something inaudible before sitting up.

As Jo stood up she felt disgusting. She knew her make up was smudged from going to sleep with it , she probably smelled like alcohol and smoke. Her clothes were clinging to her body and all Jo wanted was to take a shower.

Sky followers her out of the house and handed Jo a bottle of body spray Jo personally would never use but in this moment was really thankful for it.

Taylor can't know what was going on. First she'd be mad at Jo for lying and breaking the rules and second she would be mad at Jo for not calling her sis he would come and pick Jo up.

Jo does regret what she did however it wasn't even her fault. And she still had no clue where Gracie was. Jo hoped she was alright.

Jo did wait a bit more before getting home , she had a coffee at Starbucks and as she made her way home Taylor yelled from the livingroom
"Good your back , did you have fun?"

Jo hated lying , she absolutely despised it but in that moment she saw no other choice but to lie to Taylor
"Yes , it was great , but I'm so fucking tired I need sleep."

"Language Jo." She heard Taylor mildly scold from the livingroom and Jo sprinted upstairs to her room.

She immediately rushed to the bathroom where she quickly got rid of her clothes before stepping under the shower. It felt so good to finally wash the smell of that party or whatever it was off.

She felt cleaner. She felt as if part of that secret was washed away with the shower.

As Jo made her way back into her room , now in a crop top and sweatpants and quickly laid down in her bed before checking her phone.
She saw someone had added her on Snapchat via quick add


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