Chapter 4: Adieu Sydney, Hello Melbourne

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Nadia Khumalo.

Where do I even begin?

Nadia and I used to be...I don't think you can call it a friendship but you can call it...cordial. We were in the same grade back in Sydney, and long story short, she screwed me over by telling my mom who I kissed as well as telling everyone that I took someone's girlfriend. That is completely out of my character, by the way.

I'm a beauty guru, not a homewrecker.

So back to the story; when I left Sydney, I vowed to leave behind everything that connected me back there. I left my best friend, Lerumo, the girl I actually had feelings for, this self entitled brat named Nadia, and tried to settle down here in Melbourne, where nobody knew my name. But it appears that if you have a new chapter in your life, you can't continue writing your story without acknowledging what happened before.

And I guess I'm about to learn that the hard way.

Devotions ends and Kendall turns to face me, her hand on my chest. Before I can say anything, she is whisked away by Sofia, who looks me up and down before taking Kendall to talk to her. I roll my eyes, but for Kendall's sake and mine, I refuse to dwell on it. Instead, I begin to walk to the door before Nadia stands in front of it, arms crossed.

Nadia has always been the beauty standard at our old school; 5'6, slim, and deep, brown skin. She has this thinly sculpted eyebrows that rest on her face, more like an oil painting if I may add, and she has the tiniest of noses, with cheekbones that sit on her face higher than my grades last year.

As much of a Nadia hater I am, I have to say that the girl is gorgeous.

"Melbourne?" She asks, nodding at me.

"I could ask you the same thing," I respond, watching her smile. I bite back the urge to insult her straight away, so instead, I opt for the nickname she hates the most. "Khume."

"Nothando." She chuckles. "Did I really run you that far out of Sydney, for you to come into a desolate town, with nothing to its name, I might add, just for me to find you again?"

"You didn't run me out of town, Khume. If anything, I left because I wanted to."

"Not because of Jela-"

"If you know what's good for you, you wouldn't be stepping on my damn toes right now," I interrupt her before she finishes saying her name. "I don't knkw if you've noticed, but I have a badge now, and power, and authority, and-"

"I get it, you're big and bad now," she yawns. "Are you done with your speech?"

I roll my eyes at her. "Nadia."

"You finally know what my first name is." She smiles at me again.

"I don't know you, you don't know me. We're strangers, got it? You respect me and I respect you." I offer my hand for her to shake, which she looks at. "Peace treaty."

"You know, I would've thought that you and the headgirl had a thing you know. The way she looks at you is...remarkable." She puts my hand down slowly. "Or...maybe you have a thing going on?"

"Yas!" Kendall runs over to me as Sofia pushes past Nadia, who stumbles a bit. "You aren't doing anything tonight, right? I was thinking of hanging in your room for a bit?" She beams at me, and I cannot help but grin back.

"You don't even have to ask," I tell her.

Kendall glances at Nadia, who appears smug. She then sticks her hand out for her to take. "You must be new! I'm Kendall Riddick, head girl of 2024 and your classmate!"

Surprisingly, Nadia takes it. "I'm Nadia."

For a minute, the air around us gets very thin. Kendall glances over at me, and then looks back at Nadia, processing something in her mind. She then huffs, before her bright smile returns.

"You two know each other, don't you?"

"Yeah." We chorus.

"From Sydney, I presume?"

Gulping, I nod. "She was my best mate."

Kendall frowns. "Yas."

I pull Kendall aside and hold her hand. "I'll see you upstairs, alright? I just want to talk to her for a little bit. It's nothing serious," I whisper.

"Isn't she the one who-"

"She is," I answer. "Let me handle it, okay? There's nothing to worry about, I got this."

Kendall remains still for a second, before sighing. "Movie night in my room, okay? I have Kit Kats."

I smile at her, squeezing her hand. "I love you."

"I love you too." She nods. "If you ever need help, I'll kick her to the curb on my floor. My shoes need to be shined anyway."

I laugh quietly. "Alright Kennie, I'll see you upstairs."

Kendall gives me a firm kiss, before walking out of the devotions room, without saying a word. Nadia whistles at her once she's out of eye shot. And then turns to me, smirking.

"So you are dating her."

"I am." She scoffs, before crossing her arms again. "Nadia, I really don't want any issues with you this year. Can we please just let it rest? That was Sydney, this is Melbourne; meaning the past is in the past, and this This is, now. Got it?"

Nadia stares at me, before looking at my hands again. "Which name do you use here?"


She chuckles softly before winking at me. "See you in the halls, Nothando. And if the past is really the past like you said it was, then I guess I'll be seeing you on the field?"

Knowing exactly where she is going with this, I scoff. "Have a good night, Nadia."

And with that, Nadia walks out, and I sigh, not ready for the chaos this year is going to bring.

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