Chapter 3- New Family

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***************** 18 months later ****************

I was slowly pulled away from my sleep by the sounds of little footsteps running down the halls behind my bedroom door. I knew exactly what would come if I was caught in my bed, so I forced myself to sit up and stretch before the little devils entered my room.

"Reyna come on!" Little Brandy cheered as I just crawled out of bed.

"I'm coming." It's too early in the morning fro this, my eyes were barely open. That's when little Sara to decided it would be a good idea to jump on me.

"We can go shopping today!" She squealed as she noogied me.

"Who said? Did my mom?" I yawned as I stepped out of my room with Sara still on my back.

"Yep. She said as long as we have Diana with us we can go." She explained as she slid off my back so I could use the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs, just let me get ready please." Sara responded by punching my arm and running to find Brandy.

If this is a tad bit confusing for you allow me to explain whilst I prep for the day. A year and a half ago my mother and now step-father announced their engagement. We all moved into this pretty big and pretty new house; and when I say all I mean me, my mom, Chris and his seven kids. Well it was all good, except for the fact that we moved far away from our original home to a house in the middle of nowhere. This drove Chris and my mom to home-school us themselves, which isn't so bad considering they're both doctors that have their PhDs and MDs. I guess you could say it was kind of a dream come true since I didn't have to do through the entire awkward scenario of a new school and new friends again, plus Chris' kids are actually pretty awesome.

We've got Brandy and Sara who could totally pass at fraternal twins, but Sara is a whole year older then six-year old Brandy. Despite the fact that they have the same black hair, blue eyes and freckled pale skin they do have different personalities. Sara was the crazy one who was able to warm up to me immediately, but it took a few weeks for Brandy to become just as crazy.

Then you've got the major nerds Michael and James (Jay). They're crazy with their hands; making traps mostly used fro their pranks and such. I seriously wonder how Michael learned everything at nine-years old. I guess Jay would have taught him.... but how did he learn everything at twelve?

If I just had these four then I would have gone insane. Thank goodness Diane and Alexis keep them in check. They're the oldest of the seven also the first Chris adopted, Diane came before Alexis. She just turned 17 and Brandy told me that she would take care of everybody whenever Chris was gone. And whenever Diane was gone, Alexis was able to take over although she was two years younger. I can see why, she doesn't look her age and if anything she can pass for Diane's age.

And finally there's Nicol, yes like the five cent coin. He's the same age as me and a few months older. I think out of all of them I grew closest to him. His chocolate brown hair and honey eyes suited him well... they were pretty dazzeling. Yeah, if you must know I may or may not have a crush on my older step brother, and yes I know it's wrong.

"Are you almost done in there?" Someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hang on!" I said pulling a clean shirt over my head. I unlocked the door.

"You might want to get out 'cause I have to pee." Nicol chuckled as he stepped into the small bathroom.

"Fine." I agreed as I grabbed all of my clothes. "Remember to wipe down after yourself."

"I'm not Michael. And you don't need to do that, I just need to change and brush my teeth."

"No I'm done here. Brandy and Sara are waiting for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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