Chapter 1- Celebration for Disaster

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"You've gotten so big!" my Aunt Tess cooed as she pinched my cheeks. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes as she held on tight to my face.

It was my tenth birthday today and to my mother it was a big deal. I would have loved this moment just as much as she did but this is the part that broke the deal; saying hello to my older relatives.  

"Thanks Aunt Tess." I smiled as I rubbed the pain from my cheeks.  

"You'll grow to be a fine young woman indeed." She said just before planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I smiled at her until she turned to walk away. I took this as an opportunity to wipe her slobber from my cheek and run away from the entrance of the hall. I seriously hope that was the last of the greetings; I don't know if I can take any more slobber smooches.  

Alright, you person who is suddenly so interested in my life. Since I know you have no clue of what's going on let me bring you up to speed on the last 10 years of my life. I've spent my days as an only child and fatherless. According to my mother I am a mix of so many ethnicities she doesn't even know all of them, but with my long wavy jet black hair, ember eyes and somewhat tan skin, let's just say I'm half Native and half Asian... or whatever. I honestly stopped caring when I turned eight years old and punched a kid out for calling me a 'mutt'.

As far as my life has been, I can't complain. Sure I didn't grow up with a dad, but my mother more than made up for that. She taught me everything from how to read and write, how to play sports, how to conserve resources in camping trips... how to properly gut fish and other meat. Don't ask why; I've always told myself it's because she's a doctor and she wants me to become one when I get older. Yeah, other than my mother's odd lessons my life was pretty good as a middle class, mixed girl who has had to move on occasion because of their parent's job. Not that I minded it, but I just haven't really bothered to make friends over the years since I may leave them soon anyway, and either way it's gotten better considering we haven't moved in two years. That is until my 10th birthday on June 16, 2006. 

"Reyna come!" My aunt, really family friend, called. "You forgot to say hello to me." 

"Sorry Aunt Lieza." I smiled before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Her daughter gave me a hug as if I was her sister.  

"Happy birthday!" She greeted. 

"Thank you Jenny." 

"Ew, you're old." She teased. 

"I'm the same age as you." 

"That doesn't mean you're smarter and faster." She challenged as she tagged me and ran off. I chased her, maneuvering around tables and guests. Why my mom invited over 100 people to an ten year-old's birthday is beyond me, but I'm just going with it to make her happy. As I crawled from underneath a table I caught a glimpse of a man kissing my mom. I gagged the moment I realized it was Christopher Deno, my mom's boyfriend of almost four years.  

He's a doctor with my mom and they got really close over the past several years, to the point where he would be over at my house more than I would prefer. I found it odd that they were both transferred to the same place, but my mother likes to call it 'destiny'. I wouldn't have a problem with him if I didn't know he had kids of his own, it's like he sees me and my mom more than he sees them. How many? No clue, I just know he has them. 

"Giving up already Reyna?" Jenny called out. 

"Not a chance." I shouted as I was hot on her tail. She led me through the crowd of people, into the hallways of the building and eventually the back exit of the structure. 

"Gotcha!" I huffed as my hand grabbed her shoulder. 

"Finally! I was just going easy on you." She crossed her arms. 

"Sure you were." I smirked taking note of how sweaty she was and how she tried to hide her panting. While she was catching her breath I noticed the exit right behind her. 

"Let's go outside for a bit." I suggested. 


"Just some fresh air. It was getting stuffy in the hall anyway." I pushed the door open and the cool air hit my warm skin the minute I stepped outside. I inhaled the comforting aroma of wet concrete and closed my eyes. That's when I felt more water droplets fall on me. 

"Reyna come back inside. It's going to start pouring." 

"I like the rain!" I called back as I spread my arms to make sure more water came in contact with me. I don't know why but I always felt safe and secure in water. Whether I was swimming or taking a bath, it just felt good to be in aqua. 

"You better get inside before your mom gets mad." Jenny threatened. I sighed knowing she was right and stepped inside away from the rain. 

"Reyna!" Someone called me and my mother emerged from the hallway. 

"There you are." She sighed. "Come on it's time for you to blow your cake." 

"Already?" She didn't answer me, she only grabbed me and Jenny and led us back into the hall.  

"The party has went on for hours already." She reasoned as we entered the hall again. Everything was already set up, they just needed me to blow the candles and take pictures.  

"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone started singing. Even though I knew everybody in the room, I still felt uncomfortable for being the centre of attention.  

"Make a wish and blow out your candles sweetie." My mom whispered in my ear. Odd thing for my mother to say considering I didn't have to wish for anything. I had everything I needed in my life; I guess the only thing I could wish for was... 

Everyone clapped once my breath blew out all of the candles. My mom kissed my cheek. 

"Do you want to cut it?" She offered me the knife. 

"Just the first cut, I'm supposed to aren't I?" I smiled taking it from her. 

"Okay, but I need to talk to you after we hand out the pieces." She said as I made the first cut and let her take over. 

"Sure." I said taking slices and began to hand them out to guests. I started with my mom's friends... who I was secretly terrified of. 

"Would you like some cake?" I asked with a smile. 

"Well aren't you sweet." Jess, I think her name was, said as she took a piece from me. "How are you Reyna? I don't think I've talked with you yet." 

"I've been good." I answered truthfully. "how have you been?" 

"Oh, delightful!" She cheered. "It's especially exciting to hear that he finally popped the question." 

"Who popped the question to who?" I asked. 

"Oh don't act like you don't know your mom is getting married."she giggled taking a bite of her cake. I'm pretty sure my facial expression changed because she stopped laughing at the sight of me. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. "Don't you know that Chris proposed to your mom-" 

"Earlier today." My mother's vice cut in from behind me. Jess' smile faded when she realized what she had done. 

"I'm do sorry Elda." She gasped. 

"It's alright. You didn't know." My mom waved it off and pulled me away from Jess. She took me out of the hall and into the foyer for some privacy. 

"I'm sorry you had to find out that way." She apologized once she made sure we were alone. 

"It's okay..." I murmured not looking at her. "I just wish you told me earlier." 

"You're not angry with me?" She asked with a little astonishment. 

"No. Why would I be?" 

"I know you aren't very fond of Chris." Well, there it is. She was to one who laid it out on the table, not me. 

"Yeah, but it would be nice if one of my wishes were to come true." I sighed looking at my mom. 

"And what would that wish be?" She asked. I looked at the woman who has taken care of me all these years and smiled. 

"For you to find happiness." 

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