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            "So you're really going to do this aren't you?" her voice stopped him just before he stepped through the gateway.

            "You know I have to." The Soul Master replied to his comrade. "You know she needs me Elda, she can't raise Adrian alone. I don't want my son to be raised without a father."

            "What about our child? The one I bear in this moment." She countered.

            "That is not my child." He hissed.

            "Yes she is." She fumed. "She will grow up without a father Patrick."

            "But she will grow with an extraordinary mother." He stopped her. Elda walked towards her comrade and grabbed hold of his wrist.

            "You cannot keep them apart." She murmured. "If that is why you are leaving, you must know that plan shall fail. Adrian and Reyna will meet in the future. I have foreseen it." Patrick wretched his wrist from her grip.

            "Nonsense." He cursed.

            "Your wife will not know if our daughter. She will be dead long before that time comes." Elda seemingly smirked. "You will leave a life of evil and vengeance if you leave me."

            "You're visions have gotten to you." Patrick scoffed turning away from her face. "I have to go back to my family." As he walked to the gateway her arms quickly wrapped around him for one last embrace.

            "*Te amo." She whispered pressing her forehead to his back.

            "I know." He said turning around to give her a proper farewell. He wrapped his arms around her to remember the feeling of her one last time.

            "Te amo." He said before releasing her form his embrace and walking through the gateway, not turning around to look back.


            Now if you think this story is going to be a sappy love story, that's not the case. If you must know, those were my parents and that was the last time they would ever see each other. This may have seemed like a pretty good start, but soon my dad is going to figure out that my mother was right; he would eventually live a life of evil and vengeance. However. Nobody could have seen the horrors he conflicted in his new life... but before we get to that stuff I should probably introduce myself. Mostly because you're going to be reading about my life, and also I thought I just want to get to the story. Enough with the intro, let's get to it. My name is Reyna.

*Te amo- I love you

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