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The duo approached him, "Dani Rojas and Hanna Kang. Thank you both for securing my new port." Bembe remarked. "We though you wanted the book from the safe." Dani stated. "Can't a man have both? Of course, Villa Judia Hotel is the real prized jewel. It's the beset smuggling port on the south coast." Bembe explained.

"You just needed someone to clear out the competition." Hanna remarks. "The Russians made good money from this place and with this book of corrupt officials in their pay, that money will now flow to me. We are done here, but you two and I still have business to do, Rojas and Kang. You two have paid off some of Paolo's debt but not all. Don't worry. I have more work for you two." Bembe stated. Hanna shook her head. "Just spit it out." Hanna spatted. "Oh.. ready to go." Bembe remarked. "We're just ready to get this over with." Hanna stated.

"Si... I got some customers who are dying to get out of paradise. You two are going to help them do that. I've left you two a truck. Use it to drive my customers to the docks, where a ship will be waiting. The docks are guarded, so you two are going to work a little harder to get them past without a fight. That's where Rafael Merrero comes in. He's a forger and a very important client of mine. His papers will get you through. You two do this for me and Paolo's debt is wiped clean. Everyone wins." Bembe explains. Hanna nods and walks away. "You've got your hands full Rojas." Bembe remarks. Dani follows Hanna. "Let's get this the fuck over with, Si?" Hanna questions.

"Hanna... wait." Dani stated. She looked back at him. "You are tense.. you need to relax." Dani stated. Hanna sighed. "It's just Bembe gives off vibes of the uncle who left me to die after I trusted him." Hanna stated. "So yeah, I don't trust people like Bembe, I guarantee he will cross us down the road, so i'm staying on edge." Hanna added. "I can't let anything happen to Paolo, Talia, Bicho or you..." Hanna rambled. Dani looked at her. "I promise you, I won't let that happen." Dani urged her. "I know... but it's still good to remain on top of it Rojas." Hanna remarked. Dani hummed. "After this... I'll tell you a story I promise Lita." Hanna stated. Dani looked at her.


Her and Dani arrived and cleared out the soldiers. "Rafael?" Hanna questioned as she freed him while Dani freed the others. "Si, did Bembe send you two?" He questioned. "Si." Dani replied. "I got papers for you both, They're in the truck nearby with Bembe's customers. You two better hurry." Rafael explained. "What about you?" Dani questioned. "I'm going back to my studio. I have more art to create." Rafael replied. 

Hanna and Dani made their way to the truck. "Bembe, We've got your .... cilents and your papers from Rafael." Dani stated. "OK Rojas. Now make sure my precious cargo gets to the port." Bembe replied. "Si, OK." Dani said as they approached to the garage and hopped inside.


They pulled up to the dock, A solider approached Dani's side. "Papers..." The solider said sternly while Dani handed them."Wait a minute. Christmas Trees? Do we even grow those here?" The Soldier questioned.

"Mexicans pay crazy money for these. How you think El Presidente funded Maria's new face?" Dani remarked. Hanna popped up. "He isn't wrong." Hanna stated. "Okay... go through." The soldier stated.


Dani and Hanna hopped out of the truck after parking it. "You do beautiful work, Rojas and Kang. I'm sure our friends here will be very appreciative." Bembe remarked. Then he halted the rest. "Ah, momento, amigos. This isn't your stop." Bembe said as he shut the back up. "Que cono? They're not going?" Dani questioned.

"Business expense." Bembe stated while Hanna scoffed. "What the fuck does that mean?" Dani questioned. "My talent is commerce, Rojas. Why don't you two leave that part to me and the both of you can focus on your talents. Run back and tell Paolo he has my permission to leave." Bembe said as he hopped in the truck and drove off.

Dani and Hanna begun walking down a path nearby. "Paolo, good news. Bembe's off your back. That was one hell of a debt you owed." Dani remarked. "Gracias Dani and Hanna, We keep this between the three of us. Talia hates everything Bembe represents." Paolo replied. "So do I." Hanna remarked. "But I owe you both one, but Talia and I are still getting off this island." Paolo added.

Hanna shook her head. "I can't believe he's set on leaving." Hanna remarked. "I stayed for a reason." Dani said. "Because of me." Hanna stated. Dani snorted at her response. Hanna hummed. "About that story, Lita was curious, she had brought you up in the conversation... well I stated I've done something worse." Hanna responded. 

"Hanna.." Dani said. "I lit my aunt's hair on fire when I was seven or eight." Hanna blankly stated. Dani stopped and looked at her. "I know, horrendous... but that bitch deserve it along with the fate she received." Hanna stated. "Hanna, why?" Dani questioned. "She talked about my mother... My father had brought his siblings here while my mother's family got treated like the plague. She was going on.. describing how she was murdered, then she said she hope Anton got a hold of me... do horrific things to me, I saw red, so that's when I lit her hair on fire, well she tossed me into the streets..." Hanna stated. "How did she died?" Dani asked. "Three years ago, I was out with Razia and Julio, she pleaded, begged that I spared her life because I was her niece... I reminded her family doesn't do things they've done, her life ended at the end of my gun..." Hanna said, as she scuffed the ground as her eyes water. 

"Hanna..."  Dani said. "My mother's family doesn't know anything, they don't even know my mother's gone." Hanna croaked. "Have you written to them?" Dani asked. "I have written so many letters... I'm afraid they won't arrive." Hanna said. Dani squeeze her hands, "How about I find a way." Dani said. "You... do that... for me?" Hanna questioned. "Of course." Dani stated. Hanna pulled him into a hug. "Thank you..." Hanna stated. "How about we get back to camp.... but thank you." Hanna added.

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