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Hanna waited for Dani to arrive. She heard humming, "Hey.. taking on my habit, loved the masterpiece." Hanna said as Dani approached her. "Figure you would." Dani said. "He's over here." Hanna said as she and Dani approached Benito. "Benito..." Hanna called out and he turned towards the duo.

"Oh Hanna, Let me guess, Clara Garcia talked you two into this. She even had us fishers hooked on her Libertad nonsense. Convinced us to help her little invasion of Santuario, Lost five of my best. Now Clara calls me begging for boats, more recruits, pfft. I'm pirate first, fisher second. Thank the blockade for that. We use out boats to pull fish from the sea and we get people and contraband past the army bur El Presidente tightened his grip. The new comandante, Rosario has locked down all the fuel to keep it out of Libertad's hands. Murders anyone who dares get near it. Clara wants us to help Libertad? Take back that refueling station, Kill Rosario. Help put food back on our tables." Benito explained. 

"Well you got yourself a deal." Hanna said. "Suerte, señora and compay." Benito replied. 

"Well there's two places she could be..." Hanna said to Dani as the walked away. "Dani and Hanna, the only thing better than a guerrilla , is a guerrilla with a nice ride."  Juan responded. "You want us to steal one? Been doing that since I was a kid." Dani said. "And like that we are a like." Hanna said to Dani. "You're in the big leagues now, you need a car, just call for one. I'll have a friend bring it right to you." Juan explained to Dani. "Friends?" Hanna questioned. "Gracias, but you don't have any friends, Juan." Dani said. "There's two of you... Just shut up and call for a car, Dani." Juan said, sternly.

Dani called for the car, it arrived. The duo hopped into the car. Hanna was just in awed by it. "Juan, this is a nice car." Dani told him. "That's not a car, Dani. That's a 1956 Beaumont Valentina, she's a work of art, just like me, except I don't have a ram welded to my chassis to fuck up anyone who gets in your way." Juan explained. "You're definitely one of a kind." Dani said, Hanna nodded. "Haha now go get those fascists, tiger." Juan said.

Dani looked over at Hanna, "You have any ideas to look first?" Dani asked. "There's a place, not too far from here, I say we park the car near by and hide out on the cliff side, scope the place out." Hanna explained. "You think she's there?" Dani asked. "Good possibility but we need to be cautious, she's definitely not alone." Hanna replied. Dani nodded.

As they were heading to the cliff side, "Dani and Hanna, I hear you two are taking care of a little problem for Benito." Juan said to the duo. "Yeah, we're going to pay his friend Rosario a little visit." Dani replied. "Just be careful, She's not going to be alone, Do some scouting before you two pull the trigger, Remember, Rule #9, right tool for the right job." Juan said. "Rule #10, shut the fuck up." Both Dani and Hanna replied. "You're adults and can make your own decisions. Spread your wings and fly, little birds." Juan said.

Dani scoped out the area with his phone, while Hanna spotted the Comandente through the scope of her gun.. "There's our little Comandente." Hanna said. Dani looked at where Hanna was looking. "How do you want to do this?" Dani asked.  As the Comandente Rosario was walking in front of the alarm. Hanna pulled the trigger, which was silent taking out both Rosario and the alarm.

"(Shit) nice shot." Dani said. "Thanks..." Hanna said as she stood up from her spot. "That takes care of Rosario, Adios asshole." Dani responded. "Now to.." Dani started. "Take back that fuel depot from these (Assholes)." Hanna finished his sentence.


"Dani and Hanna, where are you?" Clara asked as the duo heading to the destination by horse. "Heading to the fuel depot, Benito wants us to take it back from the army." Dani said as Hanna tighten her grip.  "It's an FND base now. Dani, the army has bases all over Yara. We want freedom? We need to break their grip on the Island." Clara explained to Dani. "We'll do what we can, Clara." Dani said. 

Dani noticed her grip. "You alright?" Dani asked. Hanna shook her head. "Oh goodness.. I didn't realize, sorry about that. I was just thinking about things." Hanna said as she was about to let go. Dani squeezed her hand softly. "If you need to anything, you can always speak to me about it." Dani told her. "Gracias..." Hanna said as she squeezed his hand back softly.

They both looked ahead, Dani hopped off first, then helped her off. Then hid away and examine the base. "When need to secure the gas, but our best bet to take out the alarms." Hanna said. Dani saw the sniper, "But we need to take out the sniper as well." Dani added. "Silently, taking out the rest of the guards... I like it." Hanna said. 

Hanna took care of the alarms and started taking care of the fuel. Dani took out the sniper then started the guards one by one. 

Hanna finished the last one, Dani approached her. "That the last one?" Dani asked. Hanna looked up and was about to replied, then became alert when a guard was approaching Dani slowly.

Hanna signaled Dani to duck to which Dani did, Hanna quickly pulled out her pistol and instantly took out the guard with an instant headshot. "(Fuck me.) Nice.. that's definitely the last of the guards." Dani said. "Which means the base now rightfully belongs to Libertad." Hanna said. 


Dani and Hanna was leaving the base, Dani contacts Benito. "Ok Benito, Rosario is dead and the fuel is flowing again." Dani said. "Si, carajo! I admit I got my doubts about Clara but I never doubted the both of you, especially Hanna there." Benito said. "I know a thing or two about looking out for your own." Dani told him. "Tell Clara I'm heading to her camp, she's got out boats and our support. Gracias Hanna and Dani." Benito said before disconnecting.

"Clara, Benito's back on your side, He's on his way to you right now." Dani told Clara. "Shit Dani and Hanna, gracias, now you two get your asses back to camp, it's time to get off this island." Clara said. "Oh hell yeah!" Hanna exclaimed. "Just remember our deal, I've paid my rent and then some. One of those boats has me sailing to Miami." Dani said. "I keep my word, Dani. How about we change history first?" Clara said before disconnecting.

"Your still set on leaving?" Hanna asked. Dani looked back at her. "Don't know if I'm honest..." Dani said. "What would your purpose be?" Hanna asked. "Who would want me to stay in Yara, I lost both of my best friends, I'm alone." Dani said. "You have me..." Hanna said. Dani looked at her. "We've only known each other for a week." Dani said. "Yeah.. but Lita was right, being around you, it's great, I can't convince you but saving Yara with you would be the greatest adventure yet." Hanna said. Dani smiled a bit.

"I'm piss Lita didn't tell me about you sooner." Dani said, Hanna chuckled. "I bet she had her reasons but it does have to do with my past, but I won't lie, I wish met you sooner." Hanna said. "Well...enough with the sap, let's get back to camp and then cause some fucking chaos." Hanna added on. "I like the sound of that." Dani said.

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