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Dani woke up the next morning and Hanna was gone. "Hanna?" Dani questioned. He stepped outside, but silently chuckled when he saw Hanna was with Chorizo. She looked up, "Look who decided to awaken." Hanna said as she approached Dani. "Look thank you... for last night." Hanna said. "Of course." Dani said as he patted her on the shoulder. "Espada needed to speak with us, then we return, I believe Carlos will have a task for us as well, for you to earn his trust." Hanna explained.

Hanna and Dani walked over the Espada. "Good Morning Espada, you said you needed to speak with us." Hanna said, Espada nodded. "I need your help to find that lieutenant, Our soldier friend said he's on Napoleon El Pequeno's private island. So you two and me are going to take a boat from a dock in Siniestra to Cayo Villarrel. We take out this singao and Jose's whole operation crumbles but keep this between us, Ok? Papa's got enough stress to deal with right now." Espada explains. "Of course, your secret is safe with us." Hanna replied.

"See you at the boat." Espada said. Dani and Her walked to the horses, "Hey you alright?" Dani asked her. "Yeah.. thank you again for last night." Hanna said. "Does anyone else know about this?" Dani asked. She looked at him. "No... only you, I don't even want to bother to bring this to light because I feel like a bother." Hanna said as she hopped on a horse. Dani sighed. "Hanna... you are not a bother, this is trauma we're talking about here.If you need anyone, I mean this... you can always rely on me." Dani said. "Thank you.... thank you, shall we meet up with Espada?" Hanna questioned. 

Dani hopped on behind her. "Yeah, lead the way." Dani said, Hanna smiled.


Dani and Hanna waited on the dock, then they saw a boat coming. "We are taking a lot of risks for one lieutenant." Dani announced. "You want to complain, you can swim." Espada remarked. "Yeah and become shark bait, i'll pass." Hanna sassed as she hopped in the boat. Dani snorts then hopped into the boat.

"Nice boat, is it your?" Dani asked. "No, I stole it. Papa taught me how to hotwire tractors when I was a kid, Boats aren't so different." Espada replied. "Hey, we have to get Carlos a doctor." Dani said. "Good luck." Espada said. "I said that too, he's stubborn." Hanna remarked. "He's coughing blood, He needs help." Dani commented.

"Papa took me fishing once.South of Costa del Mar. He's a hell of a rancher but a shit fisherman. No patience, couldn't cast. Kept snagging his line on the bottom, even hooked himself in the lip, got so pissed he threw a stick of dynamite in the water. Killed a lot of fish but also put a fucking hole in our boat.We swam five kilometers back to shore. All these boats stopped to help but papa told them to fuck off." Espada explained.

"What does this have to do with Carlos being sick?" Dani questioned. "I'm saying that the day Carlos Montero gets help is the day hell freezes over, Dani." Espada answers. "Cono. You Monteros are stubborn." Dani responses. "I could have told you that." Hanna remarked. "Not me. Just papa." Espada said. "Right..." Hanna said as she rose a brow at her. "Shut up." Espada commented, Hanna chuckled.

"Fucking tobacco, it was supposed to make our people rich. That's what Anton said, anyway." Espada said, Hanna rolled her eyes at the mentioning of Anton. "Si, That's how he got elected." Dani commented. "Yes and a lot of us voted for him. We believed in his promises. We thought it was going to be like the old days again, like some kind of fantasy, We were so fucking wrong. If we went to change things, someone has to whip us all into shape, Bring us together and it's not going to papa." Espada said. 

"So Carlos doesn't have a plan?" Dani asked. "His plan is 'don't tell anybody what the fuck you're feeling , ever. Don't trust anybody either, especially your own daughter. Just fucking react to whatever Napoleon El Pequeno throws your way." Espada said. "He's old school, reminds me of my headmaster in the orphanage. Strict, tough as shit but if he liked you, he had your back for life." Dani explained. "That kind of thinking is gonna get us all killed." Espada said. "Yeah like my aunt..." Hanna mumbled. "We can't keep reacting to Jose. It's not working. We need to try new things. Be agile, stay one step ahead of that little hijo de puta until he's dead." Espada added. "We're with you." Dani commented. "Good answer Dani." She commented.


The three of them laid on the ground, looking around the area. Helicopter flew past them, Hanna sighed. "(Shit.) you smoking Mexican?" Dani asked Espada. "Tobacco out here has been Viviro'd, can't smoke our own anymore... Comemierdas" Espada replied as she then looked through the binoculars. "Well would you look at that." Hanna said. "Shit!" Espada spatted. "(What Happened?)" Dani questioned. "Jose fucking Castillo. Anton's bitch of a nephew." Espada answered him. "(I'm seeing it and I'm not believing it.)" Espada said. "What's he doing?" Dani questioned while Hanna observed. "He's uh... he's with the lieutenant we been looking for." Espada answered. "Looks more like a scientist." Dani replied. "(What the fuck) is a scientist doing out here?" Hanna questioned. "Let's take Jose out." Dani added.

"No, no!" Espada said as she stopped Dani. "You might hit the lieutenant." Espada said to Dani. "Well... Jose already done that." Hanna said, as her eyes widen. Dani and Espada looked to see Jose plunge a sword into the lieutenant. 

"Fuck..." Espada said, she sighed. "Hey.. over there." Dani said. Espada and Hanna spotted the guards. "Allow me...." Hanna said as she pulled out her gun. She pointed her gun, then instantly taking out the guards with a silent headshot. "I will say, you don't miss." Dani said. Hanna snorts. "You are just starting to see that Rojas?" Hanna questions. "Now we should investigate that helipad." Hanna added.


"This says Jose has a villa on the north side of the island." Dani said. "Let's go check it out... where's Hanna?" Espada questioned. They saw Hanna was one step ahead, "(Damn).." Dani said as they then followed Hanna

Hanna was walking ahead and Espada looked over at Dani. "You got a little crush on her?" Espada questioned which threw Dani off guard. "I don't know what you are talking about..." Dani said. "Honestly don't lie, when she came around the last time, one of the younger farmers had a crush on her but she reject them instantly plus I have seen the way she looks, you have a higher chance...You two are a like." Espada explained. Dani looked at Hanna as she took out the guards. 

They come up the villa, "Hey.. Intrud..." The soldier was interupt mid sentence as Hanna tossed a knife. "(shut the fuck up!)" She spatted. Dani went upstairs, Hanna and Espada looked around. "Found it." Dani called out. Hanna and Espada climbed up the stairs.

Espada then approached the computer, "No password, (Idiot.) Let's see what we got here..." Espada said as she looked into the files on the computer. "El Pequeno has a fucking torture chamber filled with outcasts. It's under the lighthouse just south of here." Espada explained. 

"Of course, that piece of shit does...Dani and I will investigate and free the outcasts." Hanna stated.


Hanna and Dani the free the outcasts. Dani then contacts Espada while Hanna watched out for Soldiers. "Espada..Jose was using this place as his own litte torture chamber. He had Outcasts in there but We freed them." Dani explained. 

"(Mentally ill.) I shouldn't be surprised, Good work though, Dani and Hanna. I found where that scientist works. The singao we saw earlier, His lab's in Revmira. Meet me there." Espada explains.

"Ok, Then are you gonna tell us what's really going on?" Dani questions her. "You'll know when I need you to know." Espada answers him. Hanna sighed.

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