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Hanna woke up the next morning, Dani was snoring away. She stretched her arms, got dressed. She walked out and looked around the camp.  She felt someone touch her hair. "So you did something to your hair while I was gone." Dani stated. She looked at him, "Yeah... it was time for change, besides this is close to my natural... I've been dying my hair since I was four..." Hanna said. "Oh you was one of those children." Dani stated. Hanna chuckled. "Yeah, but my mom let it slide... well the time I had her." Hanna remarked. "We should speak to Paolo." Hanna added.

"So you have history with them then?" Dani asked her. Hanna looked at them, "It's been a good bit... when I met them for the first time, Bicho, you may think not want to hurt a fly... he saved my life with Talia and Paolo.... my uncle.... he had a bounty put out on me, I almost bled out and would've if they didn't find me in time... so it's complicated history." Hanna explained. "Damn... your father had the whole gang over here." Dani said. "And they all end up in hell where they belong." Hanna remarked. "By the way, that color suits you." Dani said as he walked ahead, She smiled as she followed him.

They walked over to Paolo looking over the soldier and picked up the rifle. "You're still full of shit." Paolo said. "And your still an ass." Hanna remarked, Hanna looked over at Dani. "Lot more people here than we thought. Are they musicians too?" Dani asked.

"Talia collects dreamers dumb enough to pick fights with Anton's Ministry of Culture. I just make sure they aim the barrel away from the face." Paolo explained. "Thought I was the only dropout." Dani remarked. "Papa was a drill instructor. Family's fifth gen army, until me." Paolo commented. 

"What happened?" Dani questioned. "Expelled, When papa found out i'd turned from his favorite daughter into a freak... his words." Paolo replied. "Shit." Dani remarked. "Just trans in the military. compay I was lucky. Talia caught me stealing her gear but instead of turning me in, she gave me a deck." Paolo explained.

"Libertad can help all of you here." Dani said to him. "Libertad? When Castillo won, we led riots with Clara, Hanna knows this. And what did it get us? Clara runs off to play guerrilla. Talia gets thrown into Maria  Marquessa's bullshit academy and I have to take a big fucking debt to get her out, even thought Hanna helped me out..." Paolo said. "Paolo..." Hanna said. "From who?" Dani asked. 

"Bembe, Black market smuggler. Once he's paid off. Talia and I are off this fucking rock." Paolo said,Hanna sighed. "You still went to him, after I told you..." Hanna said, frustrated. "I know!" Paolo said to her as he threw his hands up. "Let us take some debt, Paolo."  Dani said. "I don't do handouts." Paolo responded.  "Okay." Dani stated as he begun walking away while Hanna followed.

"Why'd you leave the military?" Paolo asked him. "Punched my drill instructor in the throat. I'm not a morning person." Dani remarked as he looked back at him. "As I noticed..." Hanna stated, Dani looked over at her. "Segunda. Bembe deals in the church." Paolo told them as he then walked away.


Dani and Hanna walked into the church. "You Bembe?" Dani asked. Hanna's breath hitched when she felt a presence behind her and Dani. "I know a sinner when I see one." Bembe remarked as Dani and Hanna were shoved into the box.

"What's wrong with "Hola" asshole?" Dani remarked. "Si.." Hanna added. "Try to fuck with me, Dani Rojas and Hanna Kang. I sell your organs to the Yanquis, or sell Kang off the coast." Bembe remarked. Hanna bit her cheek while that remark got under Dani's skin which caused him to raise his gun up. 

"You keep your mouth shut about her... And Her and I know if I shoot you. Paolo's debt disappears." Dani snapped. "No. You have rules. You might kill but you're no killer." Bembe remarked. "Mierda, you got me. So what does that make you?" Dani questioned.

"I kill guerrillas. I also kill soldiers. It's just business."  Bembe replied. Hanna hummed. "Easy to pretend you're not picking sides." Dani remarked.

"My father was a guerrilla in '67. After la revolucion he put on a crisp military uniform. 30 years later, to his surprise. a fresh new revolucion with fresh new guerrillas. They thank him with a bullet to skull, buried in the same crisp uniform.... Are you ready for your uniform, Rojas and Kang?" Bembe questioned.

"It goes both ways." Hanna remarked. "How's that?" Bembe questioned. "You were just dressed like a priest..." Dani replied. "Ha! I like you. Dani Rojas and Hanna Kang, we can do business." Bembe remarked.

Dani and Hanna stepped out and there was no sign of him. "Fuckin' Bembe." Dani spatted. Hanna was tensed and Dani noticed. "You okay?" Dani asked. "We were in a box, confessing." Hanna remarked. "You know what I mean." Dani said. she sighed. "It's not the first time I've heard that, it won't be the last unfortunately." Hanna responsed. "(Piece of shit.) " Hanna spatted. Dani gave her a side hug. "Let's just take care of whatever this asshole wants, pay off Paolo's debt." Dani  said.

"OK Rojas and Kang, I need you to pick up my key from my business partners." Bembe came into the call. "Where are they?" Dani asked. "At the hotel. My associates are named Dmitri and Vasily. they're Russian and they're twins. I'll make it easy and send a picture." Bembe explained. "Aww... how considerate." Hanna spatted. "They say kindness is the lowest form of manipulation. This is a simple job, Rojas and Kang. Get me my key and Paolo will thank you." Bembe explained.

"We don't want Paolo's thanks. We want Paolo's debt cleared." Dani remarked. "We all do Rojas, Me most of all." Bembe commented. "Right, We'll get you this key but then you and Paolo are square, understand?" Dani said, sternly. "Love you, Rojas. Bye bye.." Bembe said. "Wish Paolo didn't go to this asshole..." Hanna remarked.


Dani and Hanna stopped in front of the hotel. Hanna shook her head. "Of course the (asshole) didn't tell us about the soldiers." Hanna spatted, then she sighed. "We're doing this for Paolo."Hanna said.

"Hola, Rojas and Kang. I thought you two should know that there might be some soldiers at the hotel." Bembe responded. "Might be?" Dani remarked. "Hey. I'm just trying to help you." Bembe said. Hanna huffed. "You don't help people, Bembe. You use them." Dani stated. "I'll take that as a thank you." Bembe said, Hanna rolled her eyes.


They had found one of the twins. "So...are you Dmitri or Vasily?" Hanna questioned. "Dmitri, who the fuck are you two?" Dmitri asked. "Bembe sent us. Where's the key?" Dani asked. "So that's what this is about. Bembe fucked us good...." Dmitri said. "Well he's a traitorous snake, what did you expect?" Hanna questioned. "First he sends military, then he sends you two." Dmitri remarked. "We don't work for Bembe, We're just here for the key." Dani replied. "My brother has the key. The soldiers drowned him like a dog but he didn't once beg for his life, He died in that fancy pool like a man, my Vasily." Dmitri explained. "Gracias, We're sorry about your brother," Dani stated.

"I'm getting out of Yara, you two should as well, before Bembe stabs you in the back."  Dmitri remarked.

The duo approached the body, Hanna picked up the key, realizing they were heading somewhere else. "What the... (that bastard has us running in fucking maze) I'm not joking, I want to pay this debt off for Paolo also I want to kick his ass for going to this prick in the first place!" Hanna spatted as she rambled.

"Bembe, you fucking hijo de puta..." Dani snapped at Bembe. "Ah..So you got my key." Bembe remarked. "We found it on your dead Russian friend." Dani replied. "Now Rojas and Kang, the key opens a safe at Villa Judia Hotel. I need the black book inside." Bembe explained. "What's in that book?"  Dani questioned. "For you two? Paolo's freedom." Bembe stated. Hanna hummed.


Hanna lifted up the book. "Bembe, it's done, we've got your book." Dani responses. "Muy bien, Rojas and Kang. I can see why Clara has so much faith in you both. You two are such a good little gofers" Bembe remarked. "Is that what you think we are?" Dani questioned him. "Prove me wrong." Bembe stated. "We don't have to prove anything to you. Tell us where to meet you." Dani said. "I'm across the north bridge of the hotel." Bembe said.

"Of course the snake would already be here." Hanna remarked. Dani patted her on the shoulder. "All this for a book." Dani replied. "Yeah..." Hanna stated.

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