Del Russo Mafia Ball p1

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Leonardo's pov- This is the time I will introduce my children to all the other Mafia's, introduce them to my heir.
It should be a proud moment but I have an uneasy feeling I don't know why but I have this tight feeling in my chest.
I called Alessio in this office, it didn't take long for him to come to my office.

Alessio- cugino che hai chiamato? ( cousin you called? )
( I saw the look on his face and I knew this wasn't a casual talk, it was business.)
Don  ( he nodded his head so I sat down across him waiting for his order )

Leonardo - Voglio che la sicurezza raddoppi la palla.
( I want security doubled at the ball )

Alessio - Si Don va tutto bene, è successo qualcosa?
( Is everything okay , did something happen? )

Leonardo- no, non è ancora successo nulla, ma ho la strana sensazione che sta per succedere qualcosa e non mi piace, non mi sono mai sentito così prima. So che potrebbe non essere niente, ma so anche che il mio istinto non sbaglia mai e non correrò alcun rischio né metterò a rischio la vita della mia famiglia, soprattutto quando li ho appena riavuti. Non li perderò.
( no, nothing has happened yet, but I have a strange feeling that something is about to happen and I don't like it, I've never felt like this before. I know it may be nothing, but I also know that my instincts are never wrong and I will not take any chances or put my family's lives at risk, especially when I just got them back. I won't lose them. )

Alessio - Come desideri, li radunerò tutti adesso e mi assicurerò che tutti sappiano che tutti gli occhi sono puntati sulla regina e sui tuoi figli.
( As you wish, I will gather them all together now and make sure everyone knows that all eyes are on the queen and your children. )

( I left to go inform the guards before I got ready for the ball myself )

Aria's pov - I was about to start getting ready for the ball tonight but I thought I better get Leo so he can get ready too, I know he was in his office he told me he had to finish off some work before the ball


Leonardo- Come in ( I lifted my head up to see who is was and the mere sight instantly put a smile on my face )
Amore why did you knock, I already told you , you don't need to knock before you enter you care welcome to come anytime.
Anyways Mia Regina what brings you here.

Aria - Really Leonardo, It's ball tonight I came in here to get you so you could start getting ready and to make sure the boys suits are perfect and good luck with that, the boys hate wearing things like that.

Leonardo- We have plenty of time Amore relax why don't you go upstairs and get ready with la mia piccola principessa ( My little princess )
I know how long you girls take to get ready ( smack, Aria wacks me over the head )
Sorry Amore I was only joking , I promise me and the boys will be ready and dressed to leave on time but just so you know it is okay if you are late the party only truly begins when the Del Russo family walks in.
( I kissed her lips gently and watch her go bright red )
You go get ready I will be up soon.
I will check the boys first.

Aria- Alright you get ready with the boys , I don't want you to see me until I am ready it's a surprise.
( I couldn't help but blush especially the way he was looking at me)

Leonardo- You could be wearing a garbage bag and you will still look like a radiant queen.
( I kissed each of her cheeks and her lips before we both parted ways as promised I went to check on the boys none of them were in our rooms so I decided to check the gaming room knowing that is where they'll probably be. )

ragazzi, perché non siete ancora pronti, avete fatto la doccia? Lo sapete, mamma si arrabbierà se saremo pronti in tempo, andiamo.
( guys, why aren't you ready yet, have you showered? You know, mom will be mad if we're ready in time, let's go.)

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