Chapter Seven: Ederi

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What had made the witch so upset?  Ederi thought as she repeated the encounter from before. Maybe she doesn't like to be touched? Yes, that must be the reason, Ederi couldn't think of anything else that would cause such a shift in mood. On the Broken Raid, she often controlled the atmosphere in a room. Her commands were met with strict obedience and little rebellion. But she wasn't on her ship anymore, for some reason. Ederi told herself that she couldn't act with the unwavering confidence and sense of rightness as she once did. She needed to bend a little to the will of Cordella, otherwise, she would never regain her memories.

Still, it wasn't as if she was staying in the beach-side cottage for long. They had located her coat. That was the first step in finding out why she was in this country in the first place. All she had to do now was wait for the spirit to return and pick up rubble.

The rain was steady while Ederi shuffled along the beach, hauling a wheelbarrow behind her. The umbrella above her head floated around as she walked and no rain touched her body while she was under it. Cordella suggested the two split up and go in opposite directions along the beach to collect the scraps faster. Ederi needed some time to herself to think anyway so she was all for going separate ways. Though this solace would have to end soon since her wheelbarrow was already very full, "I don't suppose you're enchanted too? It would be nice to just empty you out and start again," she said to the object and did not receive a reply, "Just a regular wheelbarrow then."

With a huff, she turned around and began to haul her way across the beach. Cordella said that once they were both done she would levitate the barrow's up the cliffside so they wouldn't have to drag them up the stairs. However, when Ederi got back to their meeting spot the witch was nowhere to be found, "She's probably still collecting," Ederi mumbled and instinctively reached into her pocket.

But what she felt wasn't what she expected. Usually, she would reach into her tattered trousers and find a small amulet sitting there, instead, all she felt was an empty pocket, "Damn, I need to get out of my head," she said with a huff and started to pace the shores.

All she could think about was being back on board her vessel. The feel of the ocean beneath her as she waltzed along the deck. She learned very young how to balance herself against the tides, buckling her knees every so slightly and leaning into the waves. Now that she was on land Ederi didn't know what to do. The very reason she was here has locked itself away in her mind and she doesn't know how to proceed. The last thing she remembered was the fight she had with Nolan, her first mate. He scorned her for wanting to go alone, saying that whatever it was she was searching for could be found if they worked together. Some deep part of Ederi knew this to be false. She knew that the moment she realized what her ambitions were he would turn on her, but what could make someone who pledged their loyalty to her make them scornful? What object is so corrupt that even the mention of its name is taboo at sea?

Ederi knew the answers to these questions. She understood the stakes of her mission at one point, even though they were lost to her now, "It's cold out here," she muttered just so she could hear something other than the taunting waves.

What frustrated Ederi most about her situation was the fact that she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't have her memories, she couldn't use her weapons, and she was on foreign terrain. The captain put her very life in the hands of a stranger and it killed her to know that the witch was hiding something from her. A lot of things it seemed.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting," a voice called out. Cordella made her way to the other, pulling her own wheelbarrow full of wood, "There was just so much on my side." The pile Cordella accumulated was taller than she was, almost as tall as Ederi and it was seemingly very heavy. The witch's hair fell out of the usual bun she wore and dark strands were scattered around a red face. It was obvious the witch had exerted herself, hell Ederi would probably have a hard time pulling so much as well.

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