floor three (9 notebooks to go!)

6 0 0

It was time.

With your new Portal Poster crumpled in one pocket and your Zesty Bar shoved in another, you stared down at the shiny red button labeled "START." You had some sort of silent prayer to whatever magical deity existed in the school hallways, and entered the school.

"What fun! Goo-"

As Baldi was cut off by his own counting, you made your way through the hallways, wary of not being seen by Principal of the Thing. Eventually, you entered a room, the exact room your classmate had told you about. You decided to complete the notebook that was there at the moment, before carefully placing the Portal Poster up against the wall.

Before you, a small room opened up, and inside was a replica of Baldi, except a little more uncanny, and wearing a magenta sweater rather than a green one. There were two chalkboards next to the figure, which read:

bladder's simples in education school - scary grandma game

"don't end up like me! If you make bootleg baldi games you'll be trapped in the walls of here school... forever!"

Well, that was quite the warning. However, you didn't know what they meant by "games." This was all very much real, was it not? You thought it might be best to just get on with hide and seek, so you wished Bladder the best, and left the room, heading back into the halls in pursuit of 8 more notebooks.

You went on into the rooms one by one, almost getting jumpscared by Beans one time. Eventually you had collected all the notebooks, the annoying stuff out of the way.

"Congratulations! You found all [9] notebooks! Now all you need to do is.. Find a way out before I catch you! Hahahaaaaa!"

It should be easy now. Should is always what you tell yourself, but the school seems to challenge you every time you try to get out. It's never easy, really.

Marching onwards, you hear Baldi approaching rapidly, however, you catch a water fountain and speed ahead. You see Playtime on her merry way towards you, and duck into a classroom. She retreats in her own disappointment.

Doing well so far...

You reach an exit, but just as you approach it, the barriers come down, with a sign that says "OUT OF ORDER." That's one exit eliminated. There are a few more exits to check, so you make your way to the closest one. 1st Prize helps to push you away from Baldi to that exit, but that exit is closed, too. Now there's only one that can be open. You nom on your Zesty Bar and practically sprint to the last one. Baldi is right on your tail, but you make it just in time! The elevator door slams in Baldi's face as you read your results.

You did OK, but now you need to see Baldi in his office. He usually sings a little diddy, but what truly awaits you is limited by your own mathematical imagination...


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