Chapter 12 | Sophie

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Sophie silently drove off from Keefe's house deep in thought. After waving goodbye she analyzed over what just happened. 

Fitz really broke out into a fight with Keefe over me. She thought.

They lost their friendship over me.

"I'd choose Keefe over you any day."

Those words rang in her head. Creating a dark box that closed in and in on her, making her beg for space to breath. She felt like screaming, but she couldn't. She felt like going back and apologizing, but now she couldn't. Fitz was gone. Probably, never going to speak to her again.

Sophie didn't want him back as a lover. She wanted him back as a friend.

. . . 

When Sophie slowly opened the front door, there was no sign of her adoptive parents. She tried to smell for pastries and saw a fresh batch of Ripplefluffs on the kitchen counter. Walking over to investigate she saw a note attached to the tray.

"Gone out for a bit. Sorry! Be back as soon as we can.  - Enjoy the Ripplefluffs ;)

- Grady and Edaline"

"Ugh, of course they leave without me." Sophie mumbled to herself. 

Grabbing a Ripplefluff, she heaved a sigh then trudged upstairs and flopped onto her bed. Iggy fluttered onto her face but she brushed him away. Getting up, she turned on the shower and let the water run. After it heated, she stepped in and let the warm water engulf her completely. She let it wash away any worries until she was done with her shower.

When she was in fresh clothes, she headed over to her desk and opened her journal again. It had many pictures of random funny things or memories, but the thing that caught her eye the most was the picture of her and Keefe at their sleepover. 

This was the picture I saw before he asked me out. She thought to herself.

After she gazed over it, she then moved on to another picture. A picture of her, Biana, and Fitz all in a side hug laughing. It took Sophie a moment to finally think of something. 

"Wait!" She said out-loud. "I should call Biana!" 

Maybe she'll talk to Fitz for me and we can all be friends again.

It was a small hope but it was enough for her to scramble for her phone and dial her. She anticipated for her to pick up but Biana didn't answer. 

"What?" Sophie asked, confused. She checked Biana's activities on her social media and it showed - a while ago - that she was hanging out with Linh and Tam at a pet park and was on her way back. "She should be home by now, the post was 30 minutes ago?"

Maybe she's just busy...

She then tried calling Dex. "Maybe he'll talk to Fitz for me..."

But again, no response. However, when she checked her last chat with him it showed that he was free for the rest of the day. He even wanted to hang out with her after she visited Keefe.

That's not right...

Again and again, she called every member of her group, even Stina. Though it was small hope. However, each one of them claimed busy or didn't pick up. 

What in the world is going on?

Exasperated, Sophie climbed into bed and decided to sleep the feelings off. Maybe in the morning it would all make sense. She held on to that small thread of hope and whisked her worries far away as she drifted off to sleep. 

{A/N: Since I haven't posted so much I'll extend this chapter longer for you guys <3}

. . .  (The next morning)  . . .

As Sophie got up to get ready for school, she set in her mind that she was going to talk to her friends. Whatever it takes. Brushing her pineapple-frizzy hair, Iggy fluttered onto her shoulder and released a deathly burp. 

"Iggy!" She screamed. "Now isn't the time! I have to think of what to say to my friends later."

The bat just peered at her with big beady eyes.

"Ugh! I don't have time for this." She sighed before stomping out her room. She grabbed her satchel and raced downstairs, quickly muttering a 'Good Morning' to her parents before rushing out the doorway. 

Even though it was only 7:36, she drove relatively fast to get to Foxfire. When she parked the car, she took a deep breath before fixing up her outfit and walking to orientation. 

. . . 

It was now 7:45 and the bell had just chimed. The principal had come out onto the stage to give one of her boring lectures, so Sophie used the time to scan the crowd for her friend group. It was sort of hard to considering there were so many unfamiliar faces. She didn't bother acquainting herself with the other students, it was pointless honestly.

Standing on her tip-toes, she wobbled as she searched until she heard an oh-too familiar voice behind her. 

"Needa lift?" A blonde boy behind her asked with a grin.

"Keefe?" She responded a bit shocked. "Yeah thanks, I can't see over the crowd."

"Don't worry Foster, I got you." He said while holding her waist and lifting her up. "Who are you looking for?"

Sophie hesitated at first before answering. "Fitz and Biana really.- But also Dex and the others. I think they have been ignoring me..."

"Any idea why?" Keefe looked up concerned before dropping her down when she sighed.

"No, not real-" She stopped mid-sentence when she noticed a pair of teal eyes in the crowd. "I found them!" She dragged Keefe with her through the crowd and raced to where her friends were. When she finally caught up to the group, Biana came in between them and glared at her. 

"Hey, Biana! What's up?-" Sophie tried to say.

"Don't 'What's up?' me." Biana interrupted.

"What?..." Sophie asked confused. She looked around and saw Tam, Linh, Marella, Maruca, and Dex also glaring.

"Don't pretend like you don't know." Dex spoke up from the group.

"Dex, what's going on?" Sophie again tried to ask. 

"Wow, I expected better of you." Tam stated coldly, his silver eyes piercing into hers.

Sophie stepped back slowly, falling into Keefe's arms as he then replied back. "Wow, you guys sure are rude, I mean I expected Tammy-boy, but Dexy?"

"Save your jokes for later, Keefe. Now isn't the time." Marella snapped. 

Sophie looked confused at everyone then a small chuckle erupted. "This has to be a joke, right?"

They all shook their heads and then glared harder. 

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, Fitz emerged from the back. His teal eyes drilled coldly at her as he spoke three small words. "Hello again, Sophie."


{A/N: I am so so so sorry for the lack of posting. Finals have been so stressful and I also travelled last week. Thank you for being patient and I will try to post more often. I had to leave this story on a cliffhanger so I can study for an upcoming test tomorrow. But anyways, make sure to drink plenty of water and get lotsa sleep. I love you all so so much and thank you for the support! <3}

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now