Chapter 11 | Sophie

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{A/N: There is a special pov at the end! It's important to the story btw :)}

Sophie was rang the doorbell at the grand Vacker mansion. The sweet cheery tune filled her mind as a brunette fashion-like girl answered. 

"EEE! Hey bestie!" Biana yelled before strangling Sophie in a hug. 

"Great to see you too, Biana" Sophie replied, chuckling. 

They entered the hallway and started walking and talking to Biana's room. 

"The amusement park hangout was so fun!" Sophie started.

"I knowwww, the boys' makeover was totally worth it." Biana added, grinning when Sophie recalled the memory.

"Keefe earned me a lot of plushies, so that was nice too." Sophie mindlessly stated, but then immediately regretted saying that.

"Ooh~ I also heard from some certain people, that you and Keefe had a good time on the Ferris Wheel. Am I right or am I right?" She teased, but then looked shocked when Sophie started blushing. 

"GIRL SPILL! WHAT HAPPENED?? TELL ME TELL ME TELL MEEEE!" She squealed before dragging Sophie up to her room.

Flushing with embarrassment, Sophie whisper hissed, "SHUT UP!" 

"Nu uhhhhh~ This is too good!" Biana grinned before plopping her and Sophie on her furry-white rug with rose petals entwined. She gave Sophie a good stern glare before she was forced to spill everything that happened. As Sophie explained the general idea, Biana's eyes shot up high and higher and higher. When Sophie finished explaining the kiss and the not-really-dating-relationship, she thought Biana's eyes couldn't stretch any wider.

"Oh! Em! GEEE!!!" She squealed and started to jump up and down.

"Bianaaaa...." Sophie sighed.

"So I KNEW it! Keefe does like you!" Biana yelled.

Just when Sophie thought she couldn't scream any higher, Biana added, "YOU TOO NEED TO BE DATING ASAP. NOT JUST AS A FRIEND-LOVER THING!!!"

"BIANA. May as well shout it from the rooftops! Ugh!" Sophie shouted and plopped onto the ground in embarrassment.

"Sorry girl! Couldn't help myself..."

"Yeah yeah-"

They sat in silence for a bit before Biana started talking again. 

"Soooo, any cute ideas for you two to do yet?"

"What do you mean?" Sophie questioned.

"I meannnn like some cute fun couple things." She said with a smirk


Yep. Couple ideas. Biana started listing off some fun things for Sophie and Keefe to do like going to an ice skating rink, dinner dates, picnics, going shopping, and moreeee. They were so focused on it that they didn't hear Fitz knock on the door and come in. 

"Biana! I've been calling you- Mom said we should..." His voice caught when he noticed Sophie with her. "Sophie?"

"Oh, hey Fitz. Sorry, me and Biana were just talking." She responded back with a sheepish wave.

"About what exactly?" He questioned.

Biana was about to speak up and Sophie was worried she was gonna spill, but instead she just said, "Its just some girl talk, don't bother yourself with it."


"So what did Mom say?" Biana said, focusing back on the reason he was there. 

"Oh nothing, nevermind..." He brushed off before heading out the door. 

Sophie shared a look with her and shrugged, wondering what that was about. That was weird. She thought to herself.

 . . . 

Special pov - Fitz's 1st Person: 

I heard screaming coming over from my sisters room. She probably had Stina or Maruca over for some makeover. However, I then heard Keefe's name and Sophie's yelling. Nah It couldn't be her. She wouldn't answer any of my calls this morning, she must be busy. I thought to myself. 

Soon, however, the noise became annoying so I left my room and headed over to Biana's. As I got closer, I started hearing some of their conversation.

"So I KNEW it! Keefe does like you!" I heard Biana yell


"BIANA. May as well shout it from the rooftops! Ugh!" I heard Sophie shout.

"Sorry girl! Couldn't help myself..."

"Yeah yeah-"

There was some silence for a bit before Biana continued.

"Soooo, any cute ideas for you two to do yet?"

"What do you mean?" Sophie questioned.

"I meannnn like some cute fun couple things." Biana said with a tease. 

"COUPLE THINGS??" Sophie shouted. 

I then heard them ramble about dates and hangouts, each of the ideas sending a knife to my heart. Were Keefe -  my best friend - and Sophie - my crush - together??? 

No, it couldn't be. Sophie had to like me. I was her first friend when she joined the new school. I was the one who helped her when she almost died from an allergy. I was the one who had a special connection with her that made us have private classes together. I am the Perfect Vacker Son. Keefe is just low life loser who I happened to befriend. 

When I couldn't take it anymore, I made up some excuse and barged into the room.

"Biana! I've been calling you- Mom said we should..." My voice caught when I noticed Sophie with her. "Sophie?" I asked, trying to sound surprised.

"Oh, hey Fitz. Sorry, me and Biana were just talking." She responded back with a sheepish wave.

"About what exactly?" I questioned.

Biana spoke up for her saying, "Its just some girl talk, don't bother yourself with it."

"Alright..." I said, unconvinced

"So what did Mom say?" Biana said, focusing back on the reason I was there. Shoot-

"Oh nothing, nevermind..." I brushed off before heading out the door. My suspicions had to be confirmed. It was time to confront Keefe.

{A/N: (Again) OOH DRAMA RIGHT??? I hoped you liked the special pov lol. I also wanted to include more of Biana and Fitz since they are a bit easy to write. If you could, please write some ideas for Keefe and Sophie to do for fun in the comments and vote this part ^^ Anyways, make sure to drink plenty of water and get lotsa sleep! Ly <3}

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