Chapter Eight | Tam

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{A/N: It's so hard for me to write in the perspective of Tam or Linh, even worse Marella; so I am so sorry if this part of chapter eight is terrible :'( }

Tam's pov-

Linh, my sister, dragged me and Marella away from the rest of the group towards the food stands. She wanted me to buy cotton candy for her and Marella but I think it's nasty. All that sugar right!? But, no matter what I said she wouldn't budge and threatened to spray me with a water hose when we got back home. 

"Ugh, Fine... Only two buckets, right?"

"YEESSSS! Oh um, yeah two buckets." She screamed in joy before she cleared her throat and said, "You don't want anything?"

"Nah, it's too sugary and happy."

"Oh quit being such an angsty teen, Tam." Marella snarked before waving her hands around as if to shoo away my emo behavior.

"It's not being angsty, it's my lifestyle" I retorted back before going up to the stand to buy the cotton candy.

"Whatever you say, bang boys. Hey, Keefe is onto something about those bang jokes" She thought out loud while I gritted my teeth. 

"Do you want the cotton candy or not?"

"We do!" Linh called before Marella could respond and glared at her best friend. 

"Ugh, sure." 

"Alright." I said, turning back to the lady at the stand. "Could I get two large buckets of cotton candy?"

. . . 

"You girls want more food?!" I said, shocked because I had already paid for many meals for them. They ordered hot dogs, pretzels, donuts, popcorn, chicken, ice cups, sodas and much more and were still hungry. 

"You girls are gonna make me go broke, we have to have enough money for the ride at the Ferris Wheel remember?"

"Oh yeahhhh, that little get together thing." Marella thought out loud.

"Oop, it must be almost time then?" Linh asked and dug out her phone to check the time.

"Yeah, we should get going but, I haven't had anything to eat!" I yelled, crossing my arms.

"Oh don't worry Tammy, we'll find a to-go box for ya on the trip there." Marella joked before hooking her hands with Linh and skipping off to meet up with the others.

I grumbled about pick-me girls and strolled along with them.

{A/N: That was probably really bad and I'm so sorry about that. Also for making you wait :'(. I'll try to post more often but I'm just getting eager to write more Sokeefe because I have some big things coming up! But anyways I'm back from my trip earlier than expected so I'll def publish some more. Anywho, make sure to drink plenty of water and get lotsa sleep! Ly <3}

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