5. Ava

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As I strolled down the well-known hallway of BrookSville, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. This school, built with my father's financial backing, was the talk of the town. And my name? It held weight and recognition amongst the students and faculty alike. The name Steel was synonymous with authority, as I was the heir to my father's throne. The one who would carry on his legacy. He had promised that one day, the key to his empire would be placed directly into my hands. I would have complete control over his corrupted kingdom, slowly morphing into a reflection of him.

Like father, like daughter.

I paused in front of the door that I used to visit so often but has never seemed so far away now. Mr. Deaton had always been the honorable person in this place out of everyone here. When my dear father offered him millions to work under his wing and be the assistant manager, he politely refused and next thing you know, he had to pack all his things and leave.
The only way for him to make money and for my father to get what he wanted was for Mr. Deaton to eventually accept the offer. It was a cruel and strategic move, one that only the ruthless would use. Too bad things have changed.

I didn't bother knocking as I entered the office, finding my step-mother on the phone with her back to me, staring at the quiet town and empty streets. “Yes, I’ll send you the files as soon as possible, Mark. Promise. Yes, thank you very much for your time,” She ends the call and turns, startled by my presence as she places her phone to her chest.

I calmly sat in the chair, my legs crossed as I perused through the files of the new students at BrookSville high. I came across the file I was purposely searching for: Serena Grey. “What are you doing here, Ava? Lessons have started!” She exclaimed as she looked at me, hand still on her chest. “And what are you holding? Those files are strictly confidential,” She walks towards me, attempting to grab the files from my hand; but I was quicker.

“Oh drop the act Anna, we both know I'm too smart to be fooled by the likes of you,” I say, my voice dripping with disdain. She halts in her steps, caught off guard by my words.

“I'm starting to think that you need a reminder of where you belong here. A reminder of your place,” I start, channeling my father's voice in my head.

Make yourself clear and don't leave space for any discussion. Make it brief, but powerful. Short, but with effect.

"Excuse me?” She looks taken aback for a moment, clearly not expecting this conversation to be starting so soon, but knowing it was inevitable “I know you think that just because you married my father you can simply do as you please. But I'm just here to serve as a reminder that you work for him, and by extension that can only mean that you’re also working for ME.” I state firmly, dropping the other meaningless files on the table and rising to meet her gaze.

“Is that a threat?” She asks as I watch the fear creep in her eyes. My voice now commanding authority. “No… More like a warning of what will happen if you don't stay out of my way by keeping your mouth shut.” I replied, standing tall thanks to my heels. She remained silent for a moment, before clearing her throat. “Ava, I know that-” I cut her short before she can say another word.

“That's the problem here, Anna. You think you know, but you don't. So allow me to make myself crystal clear one more time: it's best for you to stay in your own lane by minding your business, and focus on pleasing my father. The role of the principal will never suit you anyway,” I say as a matter-of-fact, the disgust evident on my face. I knew what she was, and it was only a matter of time before I'd uncover the truth, who she really was. She may look innocent and delicate, but I could see the snake hiding beneath her facade.

“If this is about Mr. Deaton, I wanted to let you know that we spoke over the phone and he had resigned because a job had been offered in another school,” She explains, looking far from guilty for stealing a job that was handed to her on a silver platter. The job of a truly innocent man.

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