johnny's little shop

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The pristine, yet oddly decorated interior of the elevator carried you up to the next floor. That was floor 2 finished, and now you had just one more. However, you had different ideas.

You had been getting into exploring the insides of Here School a lot more lately rather than surviving it, and now was your chance to learn of a secret location within it. Your friend had passed a note to you on an earlier level, stating that there was a secret room within the school's walls, holding an undiscovered "sister" to Baldi himself. You were determined to get there, but how? You sighed to yourself and walked slowly into the little store a kid named Johnny had set up just this school year.

"Hi, I'm Johnny! Welcome to my store!"

He had greeted you as always, and it was pleasant to know there was somebody like you who both enjoyed and hated Here School. You gazed upon the laid out trinkets, before your eye was caught on a rather large piece of paper. The paper had a hole in the middle, with pink and orange finger paint around the edges of said hole. Johnny explained it was a "Portal Poster," which could create a shortcut between two rooms in the school. It was absolutely perfect for your plan to get to the secret room, so you pulled out all your You Thought Points and laid them on the counter for Johnny to see. He nodded and exchanged the Portal Poster with you for the You Thought Points.

"That could come in handy!!"

You chuckled to yourself, before grabbing an extra Zesty Bar to go. You always got one, since you seemed to always need it later.
You had used up all your You Thought Points, and now it was time to progress to the next level. You waved bye to Johnny, and headed back to the elevator, mentally preparing yourself for the chaos ahead.

"Say hi to Baldi for me!"


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