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T H E   F A L L   O F   K I N G S   L A N D I N G 

part two.

As the night bled into the sky, the reign of Rhaenyra the cruel had began its course. Viserys rightful heir had been gifted her place on the throne. The smallfolk had relished in the fact, their queen had been restored and peace will soon follow, mercy would be showed to all. The dance of dragons had finished, each could stop praying.

That was until Otto Hightower was brought out, his head proven to be the last of the Targaryen bloodshed, though more bodies were soon to come. No lord sworn to Aegon would be offered mercy, the people watched as lord after lord were sent back to the gods, their blood coating the city. Their queen had been bound to chains, reports came that her grief was still largely affecting her. 

Though hatred for her two brothers grew each day the war continued, no hate had ever made it close to Helaena. As Queen, she had made small changes to the way the smallfolk lived, a charitable event that also included Lady Maellery. As the war continued, they looked toward the previously happy girl for guidance and strength.

Though as the minutes chimed and bodies began to seethe into Rhaenyra's reign, the smallfolk began to loathe the queen. The news of Maellery's disapperance had spread fast amongst the city, rumours were rife almost immediately, they all agreed that Rhaenyra had executed her for treason, a crime they did not take lightly. 

As if she were one of their own, the aggrievement had began. They hardly knew her, in mere weeks most will have forgotten her. Though, for now she had been simply someone they each looked up to. 

"How long?" Maellery sighed, she had grown tired of her journey already. She had asked it seemed each time they took a step. She was not made for travelling, she never enjoyed it much. She silently cursed the gods for not awarding her a comfortable seat.

"Lady Maellery we have told you-" She groaned and the guards with her sighed again, she was acting much like a child rather than a princess. They thought of Aemond and how he could put up with her. If such thoughts were said, they would probably join the dead. She too thought of Aemond, of his arms that never stopped touching hers and the grin he wore after kissing her.

The guards had took notes of her pink cheeks that were deepening into a shade of red and her lopsided grin. They shared a look between the two before one had begun to speak. 

"We don't mean to intrude but- what is your relationship with the prince like?" In truth, they did not care much but if it allowed them some time to not tell her how long was left of their journey, they would jump at the opportunity. 

Maellery paused at the question, not because she thought it to be disrespectful but because she did not know herself. The pair seemed similar in aspects, joined together by the misery of their sex. Though at other times, they were bound only by jealously and years worth of pain. For Maellery, Aemond seemed to have it all. For Aemond, Maellery had everything he desired.

As they rode ahead, the silence brought the three to thought. It had been noticed that Aemond had grown something over his time away from her, though they could not decipher if it was true or not. The prince, in everyone's eyes, was a cruel and sadistic man fuelled by the grief of his losses.

To Maellery, he was the man that slept beside her in the nights and whom swore to inflict pain upon those who had wronged her. Some may decide it to be cruel, Maellery thought of it as a devoted action. 

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