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"Excuses me sir, one of your guards pushed this little girl." Nanitara thought to make him aware that what his guard has done.

Abhiraj's eyes trailed at the sobbing little girl in Naintara's arms under his shades and after staying silent for while he extended his arm towards one of the guards.

He immediately handed a pen and cheque book to Abhiraj whom's eyes were still at the little girl. Naintara looked at him in utter confusion but the next moment all her confusion flew away when Abhiraj did his signature on a blank cheque and tearing it he extended it towards Naintara.

She didn't bother to take the cheque from his hands instead kept looking at him blankly. When she didn't sat or take the cheque, so feeling his time getting wasted Abhiraj spoke finally.

"Take this cheque and fill whatever amount you want to, for the treatment of this girl." he said in his cold, dark and thick voice pointing at the little girl in Naintara's arms.

She was shocked to her core hearing him. She just asked a simple apology from his guard not money because she was capable enough to bear the expenses of the little girl's treatment. Naintara narrowed her eyes at him face with a displeased look on her face.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't expect this from a responsible man like you." She said completely disheartened from his behaviour.

A simple apology was enough for her but he chose to show his money and richness to her which made her completely off.

"I just asked a apology from your man not your money. So you can  keep it to yourself now." Naintara said and started walking away from there inside the school.

Abhiraj was still standing there with a extender cheque in his hand in mid air. All the guards were silently looking at him scared to say anything or make him more mad. Abhiraj's eyes were still at her walking figure inside the school.

When she was completely out of his sight he crumbled that blank cheque in his hands and instead of throwing it away he stuffed it in his coat pocket which was not a good sign. The guards immediately lowered their heads not wanting to face his wrath.

Abhiraj started walking inside the school premises and straightly went to the principal's office. Seeing him there the principal started to sweat and become nervous but tried to composed himself and cover it up with a smile.

"Good morning, sir." The principal greeted him with a gulp. Abhiraj simply nodded at him and picked the paper weight up in his hands twirling it on the table.

"When are you planing to give my money? It's been a year and you had enough time to return it back." Abhiraj said to the principal who was ready to shit in his pants.

One year ago when his school's condition was not good and he was at the verge of being bankrupt he was helpless to ask money from Abhiraj because his daughter's marriage was around the corner and he had to do so many preparations.

"Sir, you are the trustee of this school and know my condition well. Please give me some more time." The principal request him which made him angry and he stopped twirling the paper weight.

He clutched it in his palm tightly while his jaw clenched hard. He doesn't like to wait for something which is meant to be done already and the principal promised to return the amount in six months but it's already a year.

Abhiraj rose from the chair angrily and was about to smash the paper weight at the principal's head but before he could a soft knock interrupted him. He snapped his angry eyes at the door and saw Naintara standing out of the office. Due to glass he could see her but she couldn't see what's happening inside.

He backed away from the principal and smoothening his coat sat back on his chair. He gestured the principal to call her inside and he hastily did without wasting any time.

"Come in!" The principal announced making her to slowly step inside the office.

Naintara slowly stepped inside the office and firstly her brown eyes still at him and immediately a displeased look crossed her face which didn't go unnoticed by him. She averted her gaze away from him and looked at the principal who was already looking at her thankfully because her presence saved him.

"Sir, I wanted to call Sneha's parents because she is injured and crying a lot." Naintara told the principal talking about the same little girl whom Abhiraj's guards pushed to the ground.

"Why? What happened?" The principal asked her internationally wanting to stretch the conversation so he could be saved from Abhiraj's wrath.

"A guard outside pushed her from his boss' way and when I asked the boss for his guard's apology he decided to stop the matter by handing some mere amount of money to me." Naintara intentionally explained everything in detail knowing Abhiraj is hearing her.

"Some rich people doesn't know that money can't buy everything." She said to which Abhiraj clenched his jaw hard but chose to keep quiet because he knew that she didn't know who he is or else she never ever had think of disrespecting him again and again like this but it was already enough for him.

Naintara dialled the little girl's mother's number and after few rings the call got received.

"Hello mam! I'm speaking from Sneha's school. Today she fell on the ground but we have get her treated but she is being fussy due to pain. I request you, if you can come and pick her up from the school." Naintara explained everything to her mother and heard her response from the other side.

"Yes thank you, have a good day." Saying she hung up the call.

She placed the reciever back and thanking the principal she exited the office creating a havoc inside Abhiraj. No one has ever dared to speak back to him and here this girl tried to insult him two times in front of people around them.

He thought to let it go because he didn't want to waste his precious time at some mere girl but little did he know that the same mere girl will more than be involved in his life.
Sometime we ourselves invite the problems without knowing. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow🙏🏻💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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