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It has been a very long night for the Morningstar sisters. It's already been five months and there is no progress about sinners going to Heaven. Charlie was losing her mind. She made a bulletin board and recalled everything they did: Trust exercises, sharing their feelings, the works. Everyone soon arrived at the parlor to see Charlie shaking Lizzie back and forth.

"Lizzie, you lived in Heaven. You have to know if there's a way for our people to be redeemed, " she questioned.

"Don't you think I would have told you if I did," Lizzie answered but her words almost came out jumbled. Charlie lets out a groan before she lets go of Lizzie's shoulders. "Something like this never happens. There are only Fallen Angels not Redeemed Sinners. And even if there is, I know Dad wouldn't say shit to anyone because he enjoys the thrill of killing everyone."

Charlie clutched the side of her head. "I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Ok, ok, think, Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Ok if we do this, it's to be -"

It was Lizzie's turn to grab Charlie's shoulders. "Charlie, snap out of it!" she shouted before slapping her cheek. Charlie let out a small squeak and Angel could finally see how they were related. They may look different and have different ideas about things but in moments like these, they would act like each other.

"Is she good?" Vaggie asked cautiously.

"Does she look like she's good?" Lizzie snapped as she motioned toward her sister. Charlie was laughing with an insane look in her eyes due to the lack of sleep.

"We've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working," Charlie rushed out while grabbing another piece of paper. She crushed it in her hand. "We've done trust falls. We've tried sharing our feelings."

"Which none of those fucking rat bastards care about!" Lizzie shouted as her chest heaved. Her eyes were red and had dark circles around them. When Lizzie doesn't get enough sleep she gets irritable. "And there's only a couple of fucking months left before those traitorous bitches come and kill us all." Charlie and Lizzie's horns came out as they laughed maniacally. It even scared Husk for a minute that it was done simultaniously. Lizzie jumped up from the couch. "I need more coffee!"

She nearly tripped over the backrest of the couch. Angel quickly grabbed her and held her up. "Ok, no more caffeine for you," he said. Lizzie laughed again but her voice came out more demonic. "For fucks sake, if this is you now, I can't imagine how you'll act with crack in your system."

Lizzie's grin widened as this red light surrounded her. "Caffeine is my crack!"

Vaggie let out a breath before suggesting, "Maybe it's time -"

Charlie knew what Vaggie was going to say. "No!" she immediately declined.

"- to ask -"

Charlie leaned over and squeezed Vaggie's cheeks. "Don't say it."

"- your dad."

Charlie and Lizzie groaned. "She said it," Lizzie mumbled as her head rested on Angel's shoulder. Her arms went around him as he maneuvered her so she was hugging him like a koala.

"Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get," Vaggie pointed out.

"He let the extermination happen to begin with," Charlie argued.

Lizzie yawned while holding up a finger. "Yeah, and my dad is in charge of it," she added.

"They just had a meeting and said, Go ahead and kill everyone!" An idea came to Charlie which got her to gasp, her exhaustion leaving her body. "Wait. That's it."

Stayed Gone 》Hazbin HotelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum