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Lizzie did her best to juggle the cooking utensils in her hands while balancing her phone to her ear. It's been a rough week since the extermination, so she thought she'd cheer everyone up by making each of them their own cakes. So far, she made a strawberry cake for Charlie, an angel cake for Angel, a chocolate Guinness cake for Husk, a raspberry cake for Vaggie, and a super sour cake for Niffty (who added more sour items while Lizzie was baking it.) While she was waiting for those cakes to cool down, she began working on Alastor's cake. She was trying to figure out what to make for him until Lucifer called her.

"Things are going great here," Lizzie said as she began whisking the cake batter. "Everyone's been so nice and..." She paused when Niffty ran around the kitchen chasing a roach with a maniacal laugh. " to be around. I thought I show my gratitude and make them cakes."

"Cakes?!" Lucifer squeaked. He does love Lizzie's cooking and always looks forward to them cooking together. It was their way of bonding before he had to leave to attend an important 'business' meeting. Lucifer nervously tapped his fingers against his desk. "I mean, that's great! You're making friends." He heard a knock on the front door. "Are they treating you right? You can tell me."

Lizzie held her hand out and Niffty handed her a mallet. "Yes, they are." She heard Lucifer gasp on the other line which brought a smile to her face. "I'm guessing you got my present."

Lucifer wanted to cry. He found a package on the floor addressed to him and took it inside. His eyes lit up once he opened the box to find a cake in the shape of a duck.

"I love it, Lizzie!" he cried.

"I would hope so. You didn't think I would bake everyone else a cake without making you one?" she chuckled.

Yes, Lucifer thought.

He quickly shook his head. "No. No, no, no, no. I - I just wasn't expecting it to be in perfect condition.  You know how demons and sinners are. They see something they like and just take it."

"Oh, don't worry. I trust the delivery pigs not to touch anything."

A sinister smile crept on Lizzie's face as she slammed the mallet into the bowl. Let's just say the demons know what will happen to them if they've done anything to the cake. Sure, it sounded like some kinky thing for them in the beginning until Lizzie chopped up the man's arm and gave it to a random stranger in Cannibal Town.

Her smile became genuine. "Besides, it's not the same cooking without you, Lucifer. Now I have leftover cake batter that no one else would eat." Although...I could give it to  Angel Dust to use for his next porno.

Lucifer nervously chuckled. "I - I never ate the batter. That's some accusation, Lizzie. I should be offended that you think I would do such a thing." He lifted a finger and picked the frosting from the corner. A wiggly grin appeared as the cream cheese frosting danced on his taste buds. "Oh, that's good."

"And Charlie's doing great before you ask," Lizzie said with a giggle while grabbing a cake pan to spread the batter.

The mention of the eldest caused Lucifer to panic. "Really?!" his voice squeaked. "That's great! Is...Is she with you? Like right now?"

Lizzie immediately knew why he asked. As she was adding the filling for the cake, she didn't notice Alastor entering the kitchen since her back was toward him. "If you want to know how she's doing, then you can call her. Even just to say hi and catch up." She decided to guilt trip him. "You wouldn't want her to think you don't care, do you?"

"OK. I'll call her." Lucifer bit his fingertips nervously. He forgot he was on the phone with Lizzie for a second as he practiced his conversation. "Hey, Charlie, it's your old man. Nah. Sup, Char Char, how's it hangin'?" Lizzie laughed which made Alastor raise a brow, curious about who she's on the phone with. Lucifer froze and realized he had forgotten to hang up. "Oh, wrong number! Gotta go! Love you, Lizzie Bizzie!"

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