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Lizzie was cracking up when she saw the hotel foyer was transformed into a sex dungeon. She gotta hand it to Angel for putting this together so fast. It shouldn't have surprised her that the porn star would even suggest a little BDSM as some form of trust exercise.

Though, she did enjoy the hell hound massaging her shoulders. Her head tilted back against her seat as she felt her muscles relax. "That hits the spot," she hummed in the end. That's when she felt the hound's hands slowly moving downward near her breasts. Lizzie opened one eye to glare at him. "I swear if you go fucking lower then I'm going to bash your fucking teeth in."

Vaggie was seething while Charlie stood there in shock. "Angel, what the actual fuck?" Vaggie snapped.

Angel seemed rather pleased with himself. "No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage! That's their motto!" he recited while holding a pair of fuzzy pink cuffs. He pointed to the poster on the wall with the motto written on it.

Charlie let out a nervous/ yet uncomfortable chuckle while saying, "Angel, love the enthusiasm. But, umm, uh...." She wasn't sure how to tell him. "Hmmm..."

Luckily, Vaggie finished for her. "What makes you think anyone would be into this?" she scolded.

Husk didn't prove her point because he was purring while getting his back massaged. "Ya know, I - I don't hate this."

Niffty appeared next to him wearing a tight leather suit and cane. "I'm ready to punish some bad boys," she giggled.

Husk pushed the demon off and got up, his special massage ruined by Niifty's comment. "Never mind, I - I'm out."

He had to duck when a demon went flying across the room. The demon screamed as he crashed into the mirror. Husk looked up to see Lizzie glaring at the demon as her horns slowly appeared.

"What the fuck did I just say?" she snapped. Husk raised his brow so she explained further. "Dumb bitch tried to shove his nose into my vagina!" Another demon with snakes for hair appeared behind Charlie and tried to give her a massage. Lizzie knew how uncomfortable Charlie was about these things - unless Vaggie was doing it. Her head turned so fast that even Angel thought she cracked it and sent a deathly glare to the female. "Any of you dumb bitches even think about touching her, I'll choke you with your used dildoes."

Husk, Niffty, and Vaggie froze in shock as the demon's smile grew. "Hey, sugar tits," Angel said, rather amusingly when he saw the demon crossing her legs to hide her arousal, as he placed a hand on Lizzie's shoulder. "Saying stuff like that will only turn them on. Everyone's got their kinks and my friend over there has a serious choking kink."

Lizzie pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt something humping against her leg. An annoyed tick appeared on her forehead before kicking the masked imp's head off his body. Blood poured out like a geyser, it made the other workers take a huge step back.

Vaggie grabbed Lizzie and Charlie and then dragged them away. "Ugh, I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel," she said. "This is disgusting."

"Not to mention you have a virgin here," Lizzie added as she motioned to herself. "Do you understand how rare that is? Especially here? Why do you think every satanic sacrifice requires a virgin?"

This time Charlie pulled Lizzie away toward Vaggie as Angel muttered, "That explains so much."

"You guys, it's no big deal," she reassured them. "You know, maybe I can just help, uh -"

Vaggie crossed her arms. "No," she denied real quick. "I told you, you could trust me. And I'm not going to let either of you down."

"Maybe you should teach them the same way you were taught," Lizzie suggested with a grin. She wasn't there for Vaggie's training day, but she has seen Lute train the other Exorcist. It was hysterical seeing the angels fight each other like that. And to think she wanted to be just like them long ago.

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