Case 02 :: Chapter 10

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"How'd you know it was one of Sir Matti's students?"

Noelle shot me a fleeting glance before rummaging through a sling bag. She retrieved the Death of Man statuette and carefully placed it on a vacant spot on the shelf.

"Through a vision using this. Now, we just have to flush them out."

We were back in Sir Matti's home, specifically, back in the tight confinements of The Antique Room. I couldn't say I was thrilled to be stepping in this terror hole again. But I could already sense the light of the end of the tunnel. Rei and I watched Noelle in silence as she retrieved two more items; a wooden Rice God or locally known as Bulul statue, and a silver Sarimanok, or rooster, statuette. She placed the two source artifacts alongside the bronze statuette. 

"So how are those supposed to help?" Rei asked as he casted an uncomfortable look at the artifacts before averting his gaze elsewhere. 

I explained what we had planned out at Noelle's yesterday. Sir Matti would attend his scheduled classes for today, despite his injury, and made sure that the Death of Man was not-so-discreetly displayed on his desk. Noelle and I would sit-in separately in his classes and casually ask about the horror-of-an-artifact, making sure the entire class heard. He would later explain, as casually as possible, that he would have it checked by a Shaman first thing the next morning to discover the identity of the anonymous sender.

"If our theory's correct, the culprit will show up here to steal the artifacts to cover his tracks. And we'll be right here waiting." 

"We'll be needing some extra hands too, to cover the exits." Noelle chimed in. "Which is why we asked you here. We can't let him escape this time."

Rei nodded. "Just tell me where you need me."

He was to cover the main entrance upstairs, staying hidden in one of the rooms adjacent to the Antique Room. Noelle and I, on the other hand, would be on standby downstairs to lookout for the culprit making their entry. It wasn't a foolproof plan, but it would have to do for now. 

We were double-checking the perimeter, ensuring that there was only one exit, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I waited a few seconds for good measure before placing the phone on my ear and, after a moment, I mustered a look of horror. My gaze fell on Noelle, who gawked at me with a cocked eyebrow, almost with natural concern, while Rei casted a curious glance at my reaction. 

"I'll be there." My voice shook as I ended the call. "It's Danni…" I forced the next words out of my lips. "She's being haunted again."

Understanding dawned on her face. Her eyes widened a fraction and she cursed under her breath, weighing her options. 

"We have to abort the plan then." She pulled at my wrist towards the door. "Come on, we have to go to her."

"But the culprit–what if–" I looked back helplessly at Rei and the antiques on the shelves. 

"We'll think of something else. In the meantime," Noelle shifted her focus to Rei. "Would you be okay to return the artifacts to Sir Matti and lock up? If you're quick, maybe you won't run into them."

"O-of course." 

She placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed when I wouldn't budge. "Let's go help your sister."

I nodded and let Noelle lead me out of the house and gate without a backward glance, her hold still on my wrist. We hopped on my truck park out front and I drove a block away before veering it to a secluded area, out of sight from the house but with a clear view of the gate. 

Noelle retrieved a tablet from the glovebox and checked on the live feed on the hidden cameras we placed beforehand inside the house. The dim light from the device illuminated the grim features of her profile as she studied the screen. 

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