Chapter 32. Chaos, Revenge, and Abduction.

Start from the beginning

'Katsuki..?!' he thought as the man sent a large punch towards him. "To finish!!"

"You can say 'I don't kn–huh?" his words were cut off when he felt his momentum recoiling back at him, pushing him off a good distance. If it weren't for his situational awareness, Muscular would've fallen down the cliff.

Looking over at the young hero, he saw a spiked shield on the boy's arms as Izuku jumped out of the crater. Muscular scoffed in amusement. He grinned at the boy and was about to attack him again when he felt a rock hit him in the head.

He turned to the direction where the rock came from and saw Kota eyes filled with fear and tears. "Water Hose... my mom and dad... Did you torment them like that before you killed them too..?" the boy asked shakingly.

Muscular stared at the boy for a few seconds before his face turned to recognition. "What's this..? Seriously? You're those heroes' kid? This must be fate." the man laughed. "Water Hose, those were the two that gave me this artificial left eye."

He was about to continue talking when Kota cut him off. "It's all your fault!! It's because of people like you that things always turn out like this!!" The boy yelled at him.

The man could only look at him with a scoff. "Little snot-nosed brats like you are always looking to pass the blame. That's no good. I'm not even holding a grudge about my lost eye. I just simply wanted 'to kill'." the man smirked. "And those two just happened to be dumb enough to try and stop me. The ones at fault are those who try to act even if they are incapable of doing anything effective." he said as his muscle fibers began to expand.

"THAT PRETTY MUCH SUMS UP YOU PATHETIC MOM AND DAD!!" the man yelled as he saw a glimpse of a blur from behind him. "That's how it goes!" He smirked.

Turning to the side, he saw Izuku with his Musclemass on. "ISN'T THAT RIGHT, BLACKWATCH! THE FAULT IS YOURS!" he said as the boy's hand was trapped between the man's fibers.

Muscular scoffed at the boy's pathetic way of action. He was about to mock him when the hand stuck in his muscle fibers began shifting into Hammerfist. "It's not a matter of what you can do or can't do..."

"Risking our lives and walking the walk is our job!" The hand expanded until it tore out of the man's muscles in a very painful way, judging by the man's yell of pain. The man's cry of pain was short-lived when the very same hand punched him square in the face, breaking his nose in the process and sending him flying to the side of the mountain.

The impact of the man landing caused an explosion of dust and debris as Izuku grabbed Kota and jumped away from the falling rocks. After making sure Kota was alright, he looked back at the man, who began escaping the crater.

The villain shook the cobwebs of the punch and wiped the blood escaping his broken nose. The sight of his own blood made the man's grin grow wider, something that made Izuku glare. 'What a psychopath.'

"Kota." he called out to the young boy, who flinched and looked at him. "Get out of here... I'll handle this."

"W-what!? No! H-He'll k-kill you.. Like m-mom and dad." the boy cried as he clutched on Izuku's sleeve.

He then flinched when Izuku took the boy's cap from the ground and placed it over Kota's head. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll avenge your parents." 'I'll avenge our parents.'

Izuku could still see the uncertainty in the boy's eyes. He gave Kota a reassuring smile. "I promise."

Kota saw this and nodded, albeit reluctantly. Izuku watched as the boy ran away from the secret base. His face turned serious and looked back at the man, just in time to block a punch from the man.

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