Chapter 19. Your Power!

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In the middle of the hallway, Izuku stared at the Number 2 Hero himself, Endeavor. The greenette began to wonder why the man had been seeking his presence.

"Uh.. What can I do for you, Mr. Endeavor?" Izuku asked as politely as possible. Not really a fan of the pro hero's methods of arrest. And if Shoto was telling the truth, then this man is not a great father/husband.

Said man didn't answer and just looked at him from head to toe, whilst walking circles around him. While the man keep his scrutinizing eyes at the boy, Izuku began to grow uncomfortable and annoyed at the man.

As he was about to talk, Endeavor beat him to it.

"Hmm.. You're the one, boy." he said nodding to himself, making Izuku look at him with confusion.

"Pardon?" Izuku asked, clearly confused.

"You're the one. You're the perfect test for my son." The flaming man said. And as Izuku was about to talk, he continued. "Though you're quirk is nothing like All Might's,  but that is not a problem.  You will be the best tool for him to push past his limits, give him the fight of his life, and get  him to use his gifted flames. And HE will surpass that bastard All Might and YOU will be the tool to make that happen. Do you understand?"

Before Izuku could respond, Endeavor huffed and turned and walked away from the boy. Izuku was annoyed by this and his eye twitching can justify it. The audacity of him to talk to him, tell him what to do and turn away from him. He will not let that slide, Number 2 Hero be damned.

But before he could do an irrational decision, a thought entered his mind. He grinned at the thought and looked at the retreating form of the man.

"You know, it's rude to walk away from someone before they could talk back." he said calmly as he look at the man, who stopped and looked at the him. "I know you and Todoroki don't have the best relationship as father and son, but come on... Don't drag me in your family problem. If you want him to surpass All Might, then make him fight him one-on-one. "

He saw the man glare at him and Izuku just inwardly smirked at the man. "But you're right, he needs to stop holding back and using half of his quirk. It's disrespectful to everyone in the Sports Festival who are giving their all to show their skills, me included. I'll make him use his fire in our match..." he paused and could see Endeavor perk up. He smirked and turned away from the man.. "Though that would be such a waste of energy since he won't be able to beat me even with his fire.." as he took a step he felt the temperature of the hallway grew higher and made him look at the man.

"YOU SPEAK BLASPHEMY, CHILD!!!" the man yelled at Izuku.

There he saw Endeavor become a literal human torch and was gritting his teeth as he glared daggers at him. Izuku just looked at the man with a dead pan and sighed. He activated Mr. Aizawa's Quirk and erased the unnecessary bonfire before the sprinklers activated. The fire in the Number 2 Hero's body was put out but the teeth breaking grit was still there.

Izuku blinked deactivating Erasure and looked at the sneering pro hero. Looking at the man with a curious look. "Huh.. You should keep your fire away from your face, Endeavor. That fire mustache you wear looks ridiculous." he said blankly. 

Endeavor snatched the boy's collar and pulled him closer. He has veins appearing in his  "YOU WANT TO SAY THAT AGAIN, BRAT!" from the tone of his voice, Izuku can tell that he hit a nerve there.

Izuku didn't even flinch in the volume of the man's voice, "What? You got offended by that? You can't take a simple joke? No wonder you're only Number 2." as he said that the man raised his arm and curled it at into a fist. Before the man could do anything to assault the boy, Izuku stopped him. "I won't do that if I were you." he said and glanced at a certain direction, Endeavor shortly after followed the direction where Izuku is looking at.

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