Chapter 32. Chaos, Revenge, and Abduction.

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Chaos ensues within the forest as Izuku sped past the trees, his body actively secreting pressurized blood that increased his overall speed. Blue fire and pink smoke spreading across the trees as distant sounds of screams and fighting can be heard echoing throughout the camp.

'How did this come to this? It was all peaceful but how could the scale shift this quickly?'

Izuku shook off those thoughts as he quickened his pace. His destination was Kota's secret base to make sure that the boy was safe. The boy was nowhere to be seen as soon as both classes finished their dinner.

Plus he was the only one who knew about the boy's secret base. Maybe Ragdoll as well, but she had gone missing as soon as the fire started.

So it's up to him to ensure that Kota returns safely.

As he neared the base, Izuku could hear Kota's panicked breaths due to his enhanced hearing. It's a good thing that the boy was where he thought she would be, but it worried him as he heard a different voice with the little boy. A gruff voice that sounded manic.

Using all his strength on his legs, he tackled Kota to the ground. It's a good thing he did, if he was even a second late the boy would've been crushed by a large fist that created a crater upon impact.

The figure was shocked at the green haired boy's sudden appearance but that immediately changed to a smirk when he recognized who had stepped in. "Well, well, well... if it isn't Blackwatch. It looks like it's my lucky day! I get to kill a hero." the man said menacingly.

The green haired boy immediately recognized the person standing in front of him. Goto Imasuji, also known as Muscular. A villain responsible for countless deaths, including the Water Hose duo and unfortunately... his own father. He remembered his mother's eyes when the news of the Water Hose's death were broadcasted and then showed the face of the killer.

He saw her face morph into anger when she saw the man's face and whispered "murderer" as she looked over at his father's picture frame. He put two and two together, and concluded that the man responsible for the Water Hose's death is also his father's murderer.

Another reason he wanted to become a hero was to bring the man to justice, but looking at the man's sadistic face right now and the lack of remorse in his eyes, the young hero concluded that justice was not an option.

Izuku ignored the man's sadistic expression and glanced towards Kota, who was visibly shaking in fear and was tearing up. "It's gonna be alright, Kota." he said to the boy, looking back at the villain in front of him. "I'm going to save you, no matter what."

This caused a scoff from Muscular. "No matter what, you'll save him? That's cute!" the man said, mockingly as he clutched the cloak he was wearing. "Excellent... As expected, the true essence of a hero! Ready to jump in at a time of need. Anytime, anywhere."

The man smirked. "Izuku Midoriya, aka Blackwatch. I had just been ordered to start off by killing your sorry ass." Izuku gritted his teeth as he began summoning his quirk around his hands, at the same time the man did as well, as muscle tissues escaped the man's skin and surrounded his arm.

Muscular then threw off his cloak and crouched down. "RIGHT AFTER I TAKE MY PRECIOUS TIME TORTURING YOU THAT IS!! LET ME SEE YOU BLEED!" The villain launched towards the two with speed almost rivaling All Might.

Barely blocking the punch sent towards him, Izuku was sent to the mountain side. Landing in a crater, if it weren't for his quirk healing and absorbing the impact of the punch he would've been in pain right now. "Ah, whoops."

Gritting his teeth, he looked up at the man. Muscular had his fist clenched with muscle fibers of his quirk surrounding his arms. "I almost forgot. If you know, then tell me." The man looked over at Izuku with a sadistic grin on his face. "By any chance, do you know where the Bakugou kid is? After all, first and foremost, I've got a job..."

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