Clash of Possibility

Comenzar desde el principio

Y/N: Ozpin?

Ozpin: Yes. Good morning Y/N I'm just ringing to tell you that your fight will be first today and is going to start in about an hour but you will need to be there before just so we can get everything set up. I won't accept any excuses.

Y/N: Yes Sir.

Ozpin: Good now remember to bring Wolf and remember what a win here means.

Y/N: Yes Sir.

Y/N hangs up before he walks up to the still-naked Yang and kisses her forehead as she giggles.

Yang: Who knew you were so affectionate?

Y/N: I have to go do something before the first fight today so just save me a seat for Wolf and I.

Yang: You got it, just after I get myself cleaned. 

Yang moves her hand down and parts her legs as Y/N's seed leaks out slightly.

Now in the arena Team RWBY walk towards their seats as Yang seems to keep looking around as if she is looking for someone. Weiss is already getting sick of having to play dumb about the two's actions this morning.

Yang: Where is he?

Blake: He will be here don't worry.

Weiss: It can't have been that long since you last saw him. Surely you saw enough last time.

Blake: Weiss.

Weiss: What I'm right the only person who might not have heard them was Ruby!

Ruby: What did I miss?

Weiss: Your sister and Y/-.

Blake practically smacks Weiss in the mouth when covering her mouth to stop her from saying too much while Yang tries to play damage control.

Yang: Y/N and I were just having a loud discussion this morning. 

Weiss rips Blake's hand away from her mouth before she grumbles and makes air quotes.

Weiss: Yeah "Discussion".

Blake: Does anyone actually know who the first fight is today? Everyone we've passed seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Weiss: Now that you mention it the schedule says there is a fight but not who it is.

Ruby: That doesn't sound right.

Before anyone can say anything the speakers crackle to life as Professor Port and Dr Oobleck's voices fill the buzzing air causing everyone to wince at the volume.

Port: Welcome back everyone for the second day of the Vytal Festival Tournament! 

Yang looks around for Y/N but still can't find him but she does see that the stands are filled to the brim more than yesterday there are even people sitting on stairs just so they can see the fight. Music faintly plays in the background of the talking. 

Oobleck: Yes today is a special one indeed. You see three of the four Huntsman Academies in attendance have a one-man team so the Headmasters of Shade, Beacon and Atlas came to a decision to have the three fight as an exhibition match. 

Port: And don't forget Barty after this fight a special announcement is going to be made.

Oobleck: Ah Yes! how could I forget now you at home and the stadium are just going to have to wait for the fight to find out what that announcement is going to be!

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