Field Trip

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Early morning in Team RWBY and GNDM's dorm Ruby is getting dressed so she can go see Professor Ozpin after he had called for her to give her side of the story of the events that had happened in the CCT tower last night. Ruby absent-mindedly collected her clothes as she went to get changed in the bathroom. That was until she spotted Y/N's empty bed she cocked her eyebrow before looking around and finding a white tail swaying from side to side on Yang's bed. Ruby went through a full factory reset before she heard the sound of someone waking up. Ruby regained her composure as Y/N looked at Yang before doing something she couldn't quite see before he slid off the side of the bed and landed relatively quiet he looked at Blake to see that she hadn't even rolled. Ruby just stood in the middle of the room before Y/N bumped into her and spun around before he started to whisper yell.

Y/N: Ruby what are you doing?!

Ruby: ME? You were the one in Yang's bed and the one who bumped into me!

Y/N: What are you even doing up this early?

Ruby: Ozpin called me to his office. 

Y/N: Well looks like he wants to talk to both of us. Come on you can get dressed first. 

Ruby didn't waste time as she went to the bathroom while Y/N just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do that was until someone jumped onto his back. Y/N reached around and went to grab them and throw them off until he reached back and found a mass of hair.

Y/N: I could have hurt you, Yang. 

Yang: I doubt you could hurt me considering I will just hit you twice as hard.

Y/N: If you could hit me.

Yang hit Y/N as she got off and made her way in front of the wolf faunus.

Yang: There was a part of me that thought last night was a dream.

Y/N: Trust me Yang it wasn't a dream.

Yang reached forward and embraced Y/N before giving him a kiss that she didn't want to end before the sound of someone coughing caught their attention causing them to pull away.

Weiss: Don't let us stop you.

Weiss and Blake stood like they were looking for an answer before Blake and Y/N met eyes and she just smiled.

Blake: So I take that last night went well Yang.

Yang had turned into a blushing mess but before it could go any further Ruby had walked out of the bathroom and Y/N had taken her spot.

Inside Ozpin's office, Ozpin sits behind his desk with his hands on his temples while General Ironwood yells.

Ironwood: They were here... OZPIN THEY WERE HERE!

Ironwood angrily slams his fist against Ozpin's desk. Glynda has finally had enough of Ironwood's talking as she chimes in.

Glynda: We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James.

Ironwood: Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!

An alert sound plays, signifying that someone has arrived on the elevator.

Ozpin stands from his seat as he addresses the door.

Ozpin: Come in.

Ruby and Y/N step out and into the tence office. Y/N can feel the lingering tension while Ruby tries to make a joke.

Ruby: Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. It wasn't me.

Y/N doesn't say anything as his personality has done a complete 180 from when they were in the dorm room.

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