Best Day Ever

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An airship flies high over the streets of Vale as down on street level Old Man Shopkeep stands atop a ladder hanging a "Newly Re-opened" banner over From Dust Till Dawn. The rickety ladder shakes as he climbs down it before someone bumps into the ladder causing him to fall the last two steps. Old Man Shopkeep rubs the back of his head as he looks up hearing a dark-skinned girl with mint green hair giggling.

Mint-haired girl: 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. 

She helps him get to his feet as he smiles at her.

Mint-haired girl: Would you mind pointing me toward this shop? All the street corners look the same. 

The girl produces a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over before he nods his head and points her towards the shop. The mint-haired girl walks away from the shop owner as both wave goodbye and she passes a grey-haired boy leaning on a wall at the street corner

Grey-haired boy: I knew you were lost.

The girl turns around surprised and a little annoyed at the boy's smug face and tone of voice.

Mint-haired girl: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up.

The girl produces a wallet full of lien and waves it in Mercury's face. But the boy seems unfazed as his voice is still smug.

Mercury: That's not your money.

Mint-haired girl: But it could be yours for five minutes of silence.

She waves the wallet again as Mercury brings his hand to his chin in a thinking pose for a second before dropping it.

Mercury: Mmmm... no deal.

The girl is almost shaking in anger at this point she takes the money out of the wallet and just throws the useless holder to the floor before she turns away.

Mint-haired girl: Fine.

Mercury: Whatever. You want me.

The two wander through the city as they try to familiarise themselves while they are making their way to the shop the girl had been looking for before.

Mercury: So how much farther? 

Mint-haired girl: A few blocks.

Mercury: Ugh... this place is so dull.

Mint-haired girl: Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...

Mercury: And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.

The girl stops and looks at Mercury slightly annoyed.

Mint-haired girl: That's every city.

Mercury runs in front of her and pretends to act as a victim.

Mercury: Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!

Emerald glares at him, groaning angrily. She then walks away from him.

Mercury: Ugh... you're no fun today.

Mercury follows behind Emerald. The scene shifts to Emerald and Mercury entering a shop full of books. The shop owner can be heard humming a tune. Mercury stops near the door to look at books while Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell. A voice calls out from the back.

???: Be right there! 

Emerald looks back at Mercury. The shop owner is seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backwards and out toward the counter.

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