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Ozpin looks out into the night from his office as he watches an Atlas Manta take off towards Ironwood's flagship the constant ticking of the gears in his office being the only noise until the shrill chime of the elevator plays alerting him to the newcomer requesting access. Ozpin doesn't even turn around to face the door as he knows who it is already.

Ozpin: Come in.

The doors open as a still bloody and hurt Y/N walks in with his weapons and gear still on. Ozpin turns to greet the boy before looking momentarily shocked at the boy's appearance even if he had already seen it through video.

Ozpin: I'm guessing you have come to give me your answer?

Y/N: I'll do it I will become your Gundam. If it means I can protect the people I care about.

Ozpin: Not just Ms Belladonna?

Y/N doesn't answer as Ozpin raises his eyebrow before taking a sip of his coffee before he sits down.

Ozpin: I am sure you are aware that Gundam's are given code names as well as their regular names.

Y/N: Yes I found the book we spoke about but I couldn't find their real names.

Ozpin: That's because they were hidden at the time and much like a lot of things in this world they needed to be hidden for the safety of them and the people they cared about. So that brings me to your designation.

Ozpin leans forward in his chair before placing his hands in front of his face.

Ozpin: Would you like to pick or have us do it?

Y/N: Do I have a time limit?

Ozpin: You will be announced to the world at the Festival. If you are interested I do already have a name picked for you.

Y/N: Then let's hear it.

Ozpin: Since you would be the 8th Gundam I believe you should be named Barbatos the 8th spirit named among the list of 72 demons. Given how you fight or how you used to fight I believe the name of a demon would fit you well.

Y/N: I like that. Gundam Barbatos.

Ozpin: That's good you can go now I am going to suggest getting looked at but you probably won't but that bleeding eye is new.

Y/N: I will be fine.

With that Y/N leaves Ozpin's office with his new title as he makes his way to Team RWBY's dorm where he is met with a relatively quiet room full of sleeping girls and a snoring Yang. Y/N looks at the four girls.

Y/N: I will protect you all I won't unchain myself again.

Y/N grabs some clothes and bandages as he walks into the bathroom.

A few weeks later Y/N hadn't told the girls about his decision as he sat next to a very tired-looking Blake as she read a book and the rest of the room watched Pyrrha wipe the floor with Team CRDL.

Pyrrha strikes Cardin who tries to counter only to hit her shield before getting driven back. He falls to one knee and then rolls to dodge as she comes down from above. Eventually, Pyrrha launches her spear at Dove and then knocks him down. Next, she fires a shot at Sky then blocks Feather's edge with her shield. Switching from sword to spear and driving him back, firing another shot before knocking Sky to the ground. She attacks Cardin again who unleashes a short column of fire from the red Dust crystal in The Executioner by smashing the floor. She dodges the blast and then blocks Cardin's swing before he and Sky attempt to double-team Pyrrha. Only for her to avoid them both before vaulting over Cardin.

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