A Minor Hiccup

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In Port's lecture hall his voice bounces around the room and as normal next to no one is listening to the old man re-tell stories of his glory days that are hard to believe at best. Ruby is almost asleep as her head keeps rocking forward but she catches it every time, Blake looks down at her books completely zoned out. Yang leans back in her chair and Y/N is still reading out of the book they found in the library, even Weiss is over the old man as she watches the holographic clock. Yang continues to watch Y/N as he starts taking notes as best he can but it isn't from Port's lecture but instead from the book he is reading, Yang lets her chair fall to rest properly as she looks at Y/N's notes.

Yang: Whatcha you got there?

Y/N doesn't seem to notice as he continues writing. Yang looks at his notes and damn it's like Y/N was born to be a doctor you couldn't read it even if you wanted to. But Y/N seems to be able to read it.

Yang: Y/N. Y/N. Y/N.

Y/N: What Yang?

Yang: What do you have there I don't think Port's lecture is that interesting even the Ice Queen doesn't care. 

Yang throws her thumb back at Weiss who hasn't taken her eyes from the clock as Jaune looks like he is trying to work up the courage to ask her out again.

Y/N: Well it isn't Port's lecture but I think you might find it as uninteresting as the lecture.

Yang: Try me. So what is it something about Gundams?

Y/N: Yeah it is. I haven't been able to find much, but I have found that those with a semblance documented here seemed to have been related to enhancing speed or strength but the most interesting ones are the Gundam's Aerial, Exia and the Unicorn's. 

Y/N opens the book to the page showing the Aerial and her massive shield.

Y/N: Aerial had what she called technomancy, she used it to control her signature weapon the Bit Shield. 

Y/N flips to a new set of Pages as he slides it towards Yang showing a man with a massive sword/gun/shield hybrid.

Exia's was called Transam he could increase his speed and power up to 3 times its normal limit using his aura but once he ran out of Aura he would be left incredibly open.  

Y/N then flipped to another set of pages which showed three people wearing helmets with one horn of different shapes on each.

Y/N: Now the Unicorns were the most different of the Semblances I could find the Unicorns were a set of triplets that shared the same Semblance they could control another person's Aura.

Yang: I am still confused as to why you want to research them.

Y/N: I will tell you about it later. Heads up Jaune's trying again.

Y/N points towards Weiss and Jaune as Yang turns to look at the two again. Weiss glares at the clock as if that will make the last minute of class go quicker. 

Jaune: So Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat? And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.

Jaune pauses to give his words a moment to sink in but Weiss shows no indication that she is even listening to him. Jaune begins to sweat more than he was before.

Jaune: And maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.

Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gives a shrill beep as it changes from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismisses it with a wave of her hand. The professor is temporarily unaware of the alarm.

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