It's Brawl in the Family

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Ruby is running for her life trying to keep up with Weiss as they both run down the main straight of Beacon before they finally make it to the landing bay where the ship from before comes to a stop and the door opens with a ramp extending down to the floor.

Ruby: Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?

Weiss comes to a stop as she finally sees who she is looking for and her face shifts to one of happiness as tears threaten to fall down her face.

Weiss: Winter.

Ruby comes to a stop beside her partner as she catches her breath before she looks up to see the Older Weiss also known as Winter as she is escorted by crimson-coloured Atlas Soldiers and some new AK-200s as she walks down the ramp. The ship hisses as it releases steam and settles.

Ruby: Wait... Your sister?

Weiss doesn't even think to reply to Ruby as she cups her hands around her mouth.

Weiss: Winter!

Weiss runs off forcing Ruby to follow her as they both run towards Winter. A lot could be said about the Atlas military but none of the guards; human or robotic, tried to stop the two girls from running up to the older one. Winter turned around at the sound of her name and feet running. Weiss looked like her head was running a million miles a minute.

Weiss: Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh... Your presence honours us.

Weiss had gone from an excited little sister before seemingly flipping a switch and turning formal. Ruby sheepishly stood beside her teammate and friend. Winter looks around as she approaches the two.

Winter: Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different.

Ruby chuckles before she awkwardly tries to answer Winter's statement.

Ruby:  I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder.

Weiss doesn't even look at Ruby as she raises her fist and slams it down into the back of her shoulder causing her to gasp in pain and fall down to the ground.  

Weiss: So, what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Of course.

Weiss nods and smiles in understanding as she looks happier than Ruby had ever seen her while she looks around trying not to make eye contact with anyone, especially the Atlas guards standing behind the elder Schnee.

Ruby: Well... this is nice... I think.

The three stood in silence for a second until Weiss just couldn't hold in her excitement. 

Weiss: You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-

Weiss uses her fingers to try and illustrate how the kingdom operates before she is cut off by her sister sounding less than impressed.

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came.

Weiss: Right! I'm sorry!

Winter: Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter.

Weiss: But we won!

Winter: Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed.

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