Wrecking Havoc

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"You look beautiful." A voice says as Alexis is with Johnny before seeing Mavis and Dracula.

"Oh. Thanks. The dress was my mother's." Alexis says while blushing.

"Well it looks beautiful on you." Dracula says as he smiles kindly.

"You look great too Mavis." Johnny says as he looks at Mavis.

"Thanks. Thanks for the party." Mavis says.

"Yeah. You like our little touches?" Johnny asks.

"It's amazing. Hey Johnny you wanna dance with me?" Mavis asks happily.

"Sounds great." Johnny says as he leaves with Mavis and begins dancing with her happily.

"Care to dance?" Dracula asks as he holds out his hand to Alexis.

"Us?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Why not? We should not allow everyone else to have all the fun." Dracula says as he smiles.

"And this coming from a guy who wanted me gone several hours ago." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"You're not gonna let me live that down are you?" Dracula asks as he smiles.

"Not yet anyway. But sure. I'd like that." Alexis says as she lets Dracula lead her to the dance floor as the two begin dancing.

"You two really did throw a good party from what you added to my ideas." Dracula says.

"They're really all Johnny's touches. I just gave some things a little flare. You are a really good dancer Drac." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Thank you my dear. You're not so bad yourself." Dracula says happily.

"Thanks." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You know you look really beautiful when you smile like that." Dracula says as he smiles softly.

"I do?" Alexis asks as she blushes.

"Yes. You do. As beautiful as the moonlight." Dracula says as he smiles causing Alexis to smile at him.

"Thank you." Alexis says before she and Dracula see Mavis kiss Johnny."

"How could you? After I shared my pain with you?" Dracula asks angrily as he goes over to Johnny and Mavis.

"Dad it was just a kiss." Mavis says happily.

"No. You're not allowed to kiss." Dracula says angrily as he looks at Mavis.

"Dad I'm allowed to do things. I'm not 83 any more. I'm allowed to like people or go see the world again." Mavis says angrily.

"What? You saw it! You said you didn't like it!" Dracula shouts.

"Maybe I want to give the village another chance. I just need to learn. You know? Just how to roll with it like Johnny and Alexis do." Mavis says as she gestures to a nervous Alexis and Johnny.

"No, no. You can't go to the village again." Dracula says.

"Maybe you can make them see that we could be friends." Mavis says as she looks at Dracula.

"No. That isn't possible." Dracula says.

"Well you can't be sure. It's all in how you present yourself." Mavis says.

"No that won't make a difference!" Dracula shouts.

"How do you know?" Mavis asks.

"Because it just won't!" Dracula shouts.

"Why? Why won't it?" Mavis asks.

"Because that village doesn't really exist!" Dracula shouts as everyone stops partying and looks at the group.

"What do you mean doesn't exist? What did you do?" Mavis asks in shock.

"I did what I had to do." Dracula says.

"What was it? What exactly did you have to do? Tell me!" Mavis shouts angrily.

"I... I built the town. The staff put it all together. The zombies dressed up as the townspeople. Please. I... If you really went out there and something happened to you I just couldn't live with myself." Dracula says as he looks at Mavis sadly.

"But you can live with this? Lying to me? Tricking me? Keeping me here forever when you knew my dream was to go." Mavis says angrily as a frozen monster wobbles over making noises.

"Wait I speak frozen. He says Dracula has brought a human and a wolf shifter into the hotel." A fly says as it goes over to the monster before it points at Johnny and Alexis as they try to sneak away.

"Johnny's not a human. He's my right arm's cousin and Alexis is his cousin." Frankestein says.

"He says Drac's lying and it's a long story." The fly says as a rat jumps onto Johnny before Alexis accidentally shifts to wolf form to knock it off him as everyone sees them before everyone freaks out as Mavis goes over to Alexis and Johnny.

"Is it true? Are you a human and wolf shifter?" Mavis asks as Alexis and Johnny give sad looks.

"I'm sorry Mavis." Johnny says.

"Yes. We're both so sorry." Alexis says before Mavis hugs Johnny.

"I don't care. I still want to be with you." Mavis says before Alexis nudges Johnny as he sees a sad Dracula before sighing.

"Then I guess we want opposite things because I don't want to be with you. I hate monsters! Goodbye." Johnny says as he takes Mavis's arms off him and reluctantly leaves with Alexis.

I Will Stay By You Hotel Transylvania Dracula X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now