Monster Hotel

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"Johnny I still don't think this place is the right one. Are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn?" Alexis asks as she and Johnny walk up to a castle.

"Alexis I'm positive. I mean look at this place." Johnny says as he and Alexis go through the spinning front doors only to get tackled back into them.

"Who are you? And how did you find this place?" A voice asks revealing to be a man looking like Dracula.

"Oh I'm Jonathan. This is my older cuz Alexis. And we were just mountain climbing with some dudes and heard this story about a spooky forest. And who's not going to go into a spooky forest right? So then we see these goofy-looking dudes on fire... And we just kind of followed them to this like amazing castle." Johnny says.

"Sorry. If we're-" Alexis then gets cut off by the man.

"How many of you are there?" The man asks.

"Just us two. I'm sorry. Who are you?" Alexis asks.

"Not your concern that's who. Why are you here?" The man asks.

"We like to hit it alone. You meet so many awesome people in the youth hostels. Hey speaking of awesome that cape thing is killing it. Is there like a costume party here?" Johnny asks.

"Johnny not the time. Maybe we should leave? Like now." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny.

"Oh come on cuz. It's fine. Nothing's wrong." Johnny says unworriedly.

"What have I done? This is all my fault. You have to leave." The man says as he looks at Alexis and Johnny before taking off with them while trying to avoid people.

"Dude seriously what's up? It's kind of funky to breathe under here." Johnny says.

"Yeah. Let go of us. Now." Alexis says sternly before she and Johnny are pulled into a closet.

"Wow! This room's kind of small for a big castle. No bed but check out these awesome dustpans they give you." Johnny says as he looks around the closet.

"Johnny this is a closet." Alexis says as she face palms annoyedly.

"Is he always like this?" The man asks.

"Unfortunately." Alexis says.

"Anyway quiet you fools. What weapons are you keeping in this container? Your pitchforks? Oh! I can't breathe. It's killing me." The man says as he goes through Johnny's backpack.

"Yeah definitely due for a fluff and fold." Johnny says as Alexis shakes her head.

"Yeah I wouldn't go sticking your nose in his backpack. Smells like death honestly." Alexis says as she gives a look of disgust.

"Smell of death to some but the smell of a man to another. But I do agree. Definitely needs cleaned and aired out." Johnny says as he smiles as Alexis looks at him.

"What is this? A torture device? A secret mind controller? You won't read my thoughts. I won't let you." The man says as he picks up Johnny's music pod.

"You've never seen a music pod before?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Dude it's just music. Here try it." Johnny says as he puts the earbuds in the man's ear and turns on the music.

"Ohh! It's taking my soul!" The man shouts fearfully.

"What? It's a good jam. Don't be a grandpa." Johnny says.

"Johnny seriously. Can we leave? This guy is creeping me out. Something isn't right with him." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny.

"Your friend is right." The man says.

"Cousin." Alexis and Johnny say in union.

"Friend, cousin, whatever. You need to go. No human has ever entered this castle. And if someone should see you the safety of the hotel. The sanctuary. No one would ever come again." The man says fearfully.

"Yeah go for it. Ever come again! I love your Dracula voice. It's so over the top." Johnny says happily.

"And Mavis if she saw you she would know that I lied. No!" The man says fearfully.

"Who's Mavis?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Is this her room? We're good with a roommate. I had six brothers growing up so we could totally share." Johnny says as he continues to ramble on.

"Johnny I think he gets the point." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny.

"Whoa. Check out these awesome costumes." Johnny says as he looks at some outfits.

"Costumes." The man says before he takes Johnny's backpack and sets it on the ground.

"Sorry man. I just can't be without my backpack. You know everything we own's in there." Johnny says.

"It'll be right here." The man says.

"And I'm thinking we listen to him..." Alexis says nervously.


"Check it out. I'm a Franken-homie." Johnny says as he later comes out of the closet dressed as a frankenstein and Alexis comes out as a vampire.

"This is totally normal. Not a problem here. This is just a couple of monsters with me." The man says as he is walking Alexis and Johnny toward the door.

"Wait. Why are we going to the front door? Are we leaving?" Johnny asks while trying to avoid monsters.

"Uh Johnny I-" Alexis then gets cut off by a smaller monster.

"Bonjour Dracula!" The monster says.

"Hey Sniffy. What's going on?" Johnny asks only for Dracula to push him and Alexis behind him before Johnny wanders off as Alexis follows only for the two to quickly discover the hotel is filled with actual monsters before Johnny then begins freaking out only for him to knock into a girl.

"Johnny you okay?" Alexis asks as she goes over.

"Yeah. You?" Johnny asks.

"I think so." Alexis says as Jonny looks at the girl he crashed into.

"Mavis honey are you all right?" Dracula says as he goes over and helps the girl up.

"Yeah I think so. That was weird." Mavis says.

"My head hurts." Johnny says as he groans.

"Come on. Let me help you up." Alexis says as she goes over to Johnny.

"Um who is that?" Mavis asks.

"Who is what? Oh that. That is nobody." Dracula says as Mavis sees Alexis and Johnny.

"Seriously Dad?" Mavis asks.

"Dad?" Alexis and Johnny asks before Dracula quickly leaves with them.

I Will Stay By You Hotel Transylvania Dracula X OC AlexisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora