Past Of Dracula

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"I can't believe you stuck around man. You don't get it. Bad things are coming your way. I got to get my thoughts together. Okay. You see these tables? You can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them party planner. As for you miss cousin you can go in the room next door and clean up the floor." Dracula says as Alexis and Johnny follow him into a room.

"Hey I'm not gonna leave my- Cousin's side..." Alexis says as Dracula uses his powers to make her go into the other room and locks the door behind her much to her annoyance.


Later as Alexis is cleaning the floor she soon stops hearing Johnny shouting.

"Johnny?" Alexis asks as she goes over to the door and hears more shouting.

"You're gonna get it now backpack man!" Dracula shouts before Alexis shifts to wolf form worriedly.

"Johnny! Oh great. Well let's hope I can break this door." Alexis says as she begins ramming the door.


"Johnny! Oh there you are! I was worried." Alexis says as she stops in the hallway seeing Johnny with Dracula while in wolf form and runs over.

"Alexis! Don't worry. Drac saved me." Johnny says.

"Dracula saved you? Somehow I find that a little hard to believe after you've done nothing but try to get rid of us since we got here." Alexis says as she shifts to human form.

"Don't worry. It's true but I have come around to the two of you. Anyway follow me. There's something I need to show you." Dracula says as he has Alexis and Johnny follow him into a room.

"Wow. Hey are we at a funeral right now?" Johnny asks.

"Johnny I think this is his room." Alexis says.

"Wow! I know her! I've seen that picture at the ruins of Lubov. That's my favorite castle. There's a whole legend around that lady." Johnny says.

"A legend?" Dracula asks.

"The Lady Lubov. The story is that a lonely count met her by chance and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other. Eventually they settled down at Castle Lubov and had a child. But then a horrible tragedy happened. A fire started mysteriously one night and it killed both of them. When I was at the castle I could still feel their powerful love. They say it's as if a soul is still trapped in the ruins themselves." Johnny says as he and Alexis see a painting of a woman.

"The legend is wrong." Dracula says.

"What do you mean? I know that legends aren't always accurate but how do you know this one is wrong?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Because the lady in the legend was my wife and the mother of my daughter Martha. It was only the wife that died. And it was no mystery who killed her. She was killed by your kind!" Dracula says angrily as he removes a drape to reveal the woman was his wife.

"I'm so sorry Dracula. We didn't know." Alexis says as she gives a sympathetic look to Dracula.

"They are the real monsters. I built this place for my love to protect her child. As a father you do everything to keep your family safe. Even if you have to break their trust. But now Mavis has feelings for you Johnny." Dracula says as he looks at Johnny.

"What? Me? I... Wow. Awesome." Johnny says nervously.

"It's all right. You are one of the good ones. It lets me know that not all humans are so cruel. Especially if you have a monster in your family that trusts you with her life. If the world was different maybe it would be possible." Dracula says.

"Drac this is the 21st century. People aren't the same as they were back then." Johnny says.

"Johnny." Alexis says worriedly.

"It's alright Alexis. People like monsters more than they used to. You don't have to live in fear like you did." Johnny says happily.

"Can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open everyone would accept us? Everyone?" Dracula asks as he looks at Johnny.

"Johnny." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny who nods.

"No. You're right. We'll go for good this time. You can just say we had some emergency or the gremlin lady ate us or something." Johnny says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Yeah. We'll leave. No coming back this time. For your daughters sake and everyone else's." Alexis says.

"No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to ruin her birthday party. You can sneak out after it's all done." Dracula says.

"I'm sorry. The last thing we wanted was to hurt her. Or you." Johnny says.

"But for what it's worth Dracula we have enjoyed being here. Even if it was brief. This place you created is truly something. Mavis is in good hands with you." Alexis says kindly.

"Thank you Alexis. You know you're not the smoothest Frankenstein or vampire but you'd make a great vampire and werewolf. Though technically one of you already is a wolf." Dracula says.

"For real? 'Cause I think I kind of got your hypno-eyes down." Johnny says excitedly as Alexis laughs at his goofyness.

"Oh boy here we go. Let me see it." Dracula says.

"Beware! For you are in my power. I command you to be the werewolf man! I have too many kids." Johnny says as he, Alexis and Dracula laugh.

"Someone scratch me. I have fleas." Dracula says.

"'Cause he's a wolf. He'd get those." Johnny says as Alexis and Dracula look at him.

"Yeah no. Don't explain it. It's not funny when you do that." Dracula says as the group begins to walk off.

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